I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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* there were feveral Gentlemen and Ladicsr m his Re-<br />

* tinue} methought I broke from thofe who were ap-<br />

' pointed to guard me, and ran to the Place where his<br />

' Majefty flood without Oppoiltion, and proftrating my<br />

' fclf, humbly befought for Mercy, who look'd at me<br />

* and went on the other Side of an open Square, where<br />

' they flood, and faid nothing in Anfwer to my Repueftj<br />

' but one of the Ladies faid to another who flood by<br />

' her, Tin/ I JhouU ha-ve addreffed my/elf fiji to her,<br />

* which methought I over-heard ; upon which I arofe<br />

' up, and turning myfelf towards her, was juft going<br />

' to intreat her to interceed with his Majeily in my<br />

* Behalf j when one of the Waiters came and open'd<br />

' the Door of my Cell which wak'd me. I fend this<br />

* to you becaufe I have heard you very jullly and rea-<br />

' fonably defend the Signiiicancy of ftich Warnings and<br />

' Foreknowledges, which the Scul of Man is employ'd<br />

' in, during its Abfence from the Body by Inilanccs of<br />

' this kind, and it made the flronger ImprefTion upon<br />

' me, by Reafon that the Lady had the Refemblance<br />

' of the Charming , who would not flay for<br />

* me to alk it, were it in her Power to do me fuch a<br />

' Favour, as to contribute towards faving the Life of.<br />

Your unfm-tunate<br />

, Humble Servant,<br />


After which reflefting ferioufly upon all my pafl'<br />

Actions, and heartily wifliing that I had' fome Part of<br />

iny Life to live over again, of which J would make^ a<br />

much better Ufe than I have j and after revolving in<br />

ray Mind the many Misfortunes and Inconvenienciei to<br />

which my own Folly and ill Conduft had expofed roe,<br />

1 refolv'd to give the World an Account of my whole<br />

Life, in Hopes it might prove acceptable, and alfo en-<br />

tertaining; and I believe 'tis an Original on this Ac-<br />


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