I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ i82 ]<br />

to follow him thither, becaufe of fome evil Reports flie<br />

had receiv'd of him, fo he fettled her in a MUUners<br />

Shop in a Town in EJJex, where (he had good Bufmefs,<br />

and kept her two Sons without troubling him, altho'<br />

he afterwards took them from her, and put them to<br />

Boarding Schools, and the eldeft to a Trade, and on<br />

that Account he made fuch heavy Demands upon his<br />

Wife, that (lie was forced to throw up her Bufmefs, to<br />

her great Lofs and Ruin. Sometime after, he being a<br />

good Writer and dextrous Accomptant, had the good<br />

Fortune to get a Place in the Bank of England; while<br />

he was in this Employment, one W n and his Wife<br />

advifed Mr. Maynee not to flip fuch an Opportunity of<br />

acquiring Money, where fuch Heaps were going and<br />

coming, and which might free both of theni from di-<br />

vers Incumbrances. yix. Maynee hy this Time plung'd<br />

in Debts and Difficulties, which was not averfe to this<br />

Propofal, and defrauding the Bank of more than 2000 /.<br />

gratifying W «, who went to the Bank and re-<br />

ceiv'd the Money for him at different Times, with<br />

800 /. and referving the reft to fupply his own Necef-<br />

fities. This Pradlice he began in the Year 1724;<br />

W « was fo urgent in his Demands, being a ne-<br />

ce(ritous Fellow, and came fo often for Money, that<br />

one Time he was in a Palfion at him, and fwore a fo-<br />

kmn Oath that he would never give him a Farthing<br />

more, altho' afterward for fear of a Difcovery upon<br />

W ?/s threatening him, he did give him more,<br />

About this Time alfo he married a third Wife, an<br />

honeft grave Widow Woman in Town, and who (he<br />

faid) was a virtuous Woman, and a fober, good Houfe-<br />

wife. And now he refolv'd no more to truft W- K,<br />

or any Perfon, but to carry on his Frauds by himfelf,<br />

which he did, and accordingly, as by a Lift of Notes<br />

drawn up by an eminent Perfon of the Bank, and (hown<br />

him by a Gentleman who vifited him, and which he<br />

acknowledg'd to be juft and right to a Nicety : They<br />

were Bank Receipts made out in the Name of one<br />

R——t S'—^n, within nine Months before he was<br />


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