I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 201 ]<br />

fent him in Hafte up to his Pott again, by Threat of<br />

his Piftol.<br />

The next Night being the zoth of July, about nine<br />

o'clock, they robVd Mr. Fargiter, a Chandler oi Hamp-<br />

fiead, near the Ealf-Way-Boufe ; Sheppard after his be-<br />

ing taken at Finchley, was particularly examined about<br />

thTs Robbery. The Reverend Mr. Wagfiaff having re-<br />

ceiv'd a Letter from an unknown Hand, with two<br />

Queftions to be propofed to Sheppard, 'viz. Whether<br />

he did rob jfohn Pargiter on Monday the 20th of July,<br />

about nine at Night, between the Turnpike and Hamp-<br />

fead ? How much Money he took from him ? Whe-<br />

ther Pargiter was Drunk or not f and if he had Rings<br />

or Watch about liim when robb'd ? Which Requeft was<br />

comply'd with, and Sheppard affirm'd, that Mr. Pargi-<br />

ter was very much in Liquor, having a great Coat on,<br />

neither Rings on his Fingers or Watch, and only 3 s.<br />

in his Pocket, which they took from him, and that<br />

Bluejkin knocked him down twice v/ith the But-End of<br />

his Piftol to make fure Work, (tho' Excefs of Drink had<br />

done that before) but Sheppard did in Kindnefs raife him<br />

up PS often.<br />

The next Night July 21, they ftop'd a Stage-Coach,<br />

and took from a Paffenger in it 20 s. and were fo ex-<br />

peditious in the Matter, that not two Words were<br />

made about the Bargain.<br />

Now Mr. Sheppard's long and wicked Courfe was<br />

feemingly drawn to a Period, Mr. Kneebone having<br />

apply'd to Jonathan Wild, and fet forth Advertife-<br />

nients in the Papers, complaining of this Robbery.<br />

On Tuefday the zzd of July at Night, Edgwoorth Befs<br />

was taken in a Brandy-Shop near Temple-Bar, by Jona-<br />

than Wild; flie being much terrified difcover'd where<br />

Sheppard was, a Vv'"arrant was accordingly iffued by Ju-<br />

ftice Blackerby, and the next Day he was apprehended<br />

at the Houfe of Bluejkin & Mother, in Rajemary-Lane,<br />

by one ^ik a Domeftick of Mr. Wild's, tho' not<br />

without great Oppofition, for he clapp'd a loaded Pi-<br />

ftol to %///'s Bicaft, and attempted to flioot him, but<br />

I 5 the

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