I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ ^ay 3<br />

thro' the Head that prefum'd to ftir, which effeftuall/<br />

quieted them, while I carry'd oS my Booty; with<br />

Part whereof on the fatal Saturday following, being<br />

the 31ft of Oaober, I made an extraordinary Appear-<br />

ance, and from a Carpenter and Butcher, w&s now trans-<br />

form'd into a perfeft Gentleman, and in Company with<br />

my Sweetheart aforefeid, and another young Woman<br />

her Acquaintance, went into the City, and were very<br />

merry together at a Piiblick Houfe not far from the<br />

Place of my old Confinement. At four that fii.me<br />

Afternoon we all paffed undet Ne^Mgate in a ilackney<br />

Coach, the Windows drawn up, and in the Evening I<br />

fent for my Mother to the Sl'eers Ale-houfe in Maypole-<br />

Alley near Clare-Market, and with her drank three<br />

Quarterns of Brandy, and after leaving her, I drank in<br />

one Place or other about that Neighbourhood all the<br />

Evening, till the evil Hour of Twelve, having been feen<br />

and known by many of my Acquaintance, all of them<br />

cautioning me, and wond'ring at my Prefumption to<br />

appear in that manner. At length my Senies were<br />

quite overcome with the Quantities and variety of Li-<br />

quors I had all the Day been drinking of, which pav'd<br />

the Way for my Fate to meet me; and whe 1 appre-<br />

hended I do proteft, I was altogether incapable of re-<br />

fifting, and fcarce knew what they were doing to me,<br />

and had but two fecond hand Piftols fcarce worth carry-<br />

ing about me.<br />

A clear and ample Account I have now given of the<br />

moft material Tranfaftions. of my Life, and do hope<br />

the fame will prove a Warning to all young Men.<br />

There nothing now remains but I return my hearty<br />

Thanks to the Reverend Dr. Eennet, the Revd. Mr.<br />

Vurney, the Revd. Mr. Wagfiaff, the Revd. Mr. Eavj-<br />

kins, the Revd. Mr. Flood, axiA the Revd. Mr. Edivards,<br />

for their charitable Vifits and Affiftances to me ; as al-<br />

fo my Thanks to thofe worthy Gentlemen who fo ge-<br />

neroufly contributed towards my Support in Prifon.<br />

I hope none will be fo cruel as to reflcft on my poor<br />

diftreffed Mother, the. unhappy Parent of two raifera-<br />

K. 6 ble

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