I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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furely I was loft for fome Hours. I was about fourtecB<br />

\ear5 6ld when I iirft began to learn my Trade or fu-<br />

ture Dependance as it was called, and haJ I made it<br />

fo It had been better for me ; and about eighteen, two<br />

young fellows of my Acquaintance a&'d me one Day<br />

if I had a Mmd for a Ramble, I direflly reply'd with<br />

all my Heart, never confulting how we were to be fed,<br />

ror whether we were to have Elijahs Caterers, the<br />

Ravens to bnng us Provifions ; but away we went like<br />

three Afles witii each a Load at his Back, and all put<br />

together, Beafts and Burthens were fcarcely worth %di<br />

and thus we trudg'd thro' feveral Towns and Villa?es,<br />

fometimes one Way, fometimes another, not one of us<br />

rightly knowing whither we were going, till growing<br />

hungry and not finding any miraculous Support, and<br />

Mt underftandmg the begging Trade, we began ta<br />

thmk of Home, and at laft all concluded to'return,<br />

which we did after a Weeks rambling'; and this was my<br />

firft Step towards, the Life of a Gentleman. My Fa-<br />

tlier and I being reconciled, I ftaid at Home about a<br />

fT°L- "•''^^°"''' '""^ 'having once got the knack<br />

of Gaddirg Home became intoUerable, fo I made ano-<br />

ther Sally, and then having a Mind to do fomething<br />

extraordinary, I got a few Lines in \he Tragedy o?<br />

Jultus La:far by Heart, and having cleaned inyfelf.<br />

aw-ay I went to Mr. Rich Matter of the New Play-<br />

Houfe and offer'd myfelf to him, but being of a<br />

Imall Stature, not at that Time exceeding five Foot, I<br />

did not gam, Admittance amongft the , Heroes and<br />

Demi-Gods as I expefted, but was forced to return<br />

tlome, and upon fubmitOng myfelf to my Father was<br />

again receiv'd, yet ftaid but a fliort Time before I<br />

lett him again, having only my working Drefs on, for<br />

he would not let me have my Cloaths. '<br />

After this I took my Opportunity when all the Fa-<br />

mily were gone to fee a Relation a little Way out of<br />

lown on a Sunday, to convey myfelf mto-the Houfe,<br />

^n.r.tT^ ^:^^-^ "P*^" "'y F^I^er's Clofet, there I<br />

found all my Things, which I took along with me; but<br />


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