I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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took out fo far, that upon turning the Pin it would fall<br />

out, and it being near Twelve, I faid. She •won't come<br />

to Night, let me have a Glafs of Brandy; then paying<br />

my Reckoning I went away, and about Two that<br />

Morning I came up the Lane, and ftay'd till the Watch-<br />

man who ilood at Bre-zuer's Window went to cry the<br />

Hour; then turning the Pin, the Key drop'd out, by<br />

which means I got the Cellar Door open, and fo got in-<br />

to the Houfe. As foon as I was in, I endeavouVd to<br />

get the Door open, in order to put the Bar up in its<br />

Place again ; but not being able to effedl; that, by Rea-<br />

fon it was lock'd, and the Key was not there, fo that<br />

I was going to get out again, but the Watchman be-<br />

ing fo near that I could not without his perceiving me,<br />

which made me wait in Hopes that he would not fee<br />

the Bar and might pafs it ; but to my great Surprize, I<br />

found he faw it, for I heard him call, Mr. Bre-iver,<br />

your Cellar Window is open! He anfwer'd him again.<br />

Well, do you jiay there till 1 come down, and fee that no<br />

Body goes out. Upon that I ran to the back Door, and<br />

opening that I went into the Yard, and got over a<br />

Wall into Mrs. JJhley\ Yard, and was going to pro-<br />

ceed into the next Yard, which was a Carpenter'^, but<br />

the Partition between the two Yards being only thin<br />

Boards, made a Noife in my mounting over, fo that a<br />

Woman who lay backwards heard it, and put her Head<br />

out, which obliged me to retreat. By this Time Bre-<br />

iver was come into the Yard, and I crept under a kind<br />

of a Drefler in Mrs. AJhley\ Yard, where I then was,<br />

and lay there for about half a Minute, when one came<br />

into the Yard, and looking round, cry'd, Here\ no botfy ;•<br />

but fpying one of my Feet, he cry'd. Oh, here he is!<br />

here he is ! and in a Moment the Yard was full of Peo-<br />

ple, who began to demolifh my Fortrefs the Dreffer,<br />

and I putting out my Head, was going to fpeak, when<br />

I felt a Blow on my Head which laid me fenfeiefs, and<br />

they had repeated their Blows as I lay, for when I came<br />

to myfelf I had three Holes in my Head, in each of<br />

which you might put the End of your Finger ; {o<br />


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