I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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t42 J<br />

the Fafl. he had committed, and appear'd penitent and<br />

devout during his Confinement.<br />

Mrs. Hayes from the Time of her Sentence, behav'd<br />

herfelf with more Indifference than might have been exefted<br />

from one under her Circumftances, (he frequent-<br />

K<br />

ly expreffed herfelf to be under no Concern at her ap-<br />

proaching Death, only the manner of it feem'd to car-<br />

ry fome Terror with it; fhe Ihew'd more Concern for<br />

Billings than for herfelf, and alfo a furprizing Fondnefs<br />

for him in all her Aftions; when in the Chapel fhe<br />

would fit with her Hand in his, and lean upon his<br />

Breaft and Shoulder, and he on her's; of this Indecency<br />

fhe was reprimanded, as being olFenfive to the Spedla-<br />

tors, both in regard to the Indecency of the Aftion,<br />

and as it fhew'd her Efteem for the Murderer of her<br />

Hufband ; notwithflanding which Reafon fhe would not<br />

defjft, but continu'd the fame until the Minute of her<br />

Death ; one of her laft ExprefTions to the Executioner,<br />

as fhe was going from the Sledge to the Stake, being<br />

an Enquiry if he had hang*d her dear Child.<br />

The Friday Night before her Execution (being afTur'd<br />

file fhould die on the 'Monday following) fhe attempted<br />

to make herfelf away ; to which Purpofe (he had pro-<br />

cur'd a Bottle of ftrong Poifon, defigning to have ta-<br />

ken the f^me j but a Woman who v;as in the Placa<br />

with her, touching the fame with haj; Lips, found it<br />

burn'd them to an extraordinary Degree, and fpillirg a<br />

little on her Handkerchief, it burn'd the fame likewjie,<br />

upon which fufpefting her Intentions fhe broke the<br />

Viol, whereby her Defign was fruftrated.<br />

On the Day of her Execution fhe was at Prayers, and<br />

receiv'd the Sacrament in the Chapel, where (lie iliil<br />

Ihewed her Tendernefs for Billings. About Twelve the<br />

Prifoners were feverally carry'd away for Execution,<br />

Billings with eight others, for various Crimes were put<br />

into three Carts, and Catherine Hayes was drawn upon<br />

a Sledge to the Place of Execution, where being arriv'd.<br />

Billings, with the other Eight, after having had fome<br />

Time for their private Devotions, were turn'd off. Af-<br />


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