I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 136 ]<br />

r In the third Place, inftead of perfuing their Voyage<br />

to Genoa with the Ships Cargo, they took a clear cort-<br />

trray Courfe, and refolv'd to Station themfelves upcm<br />

the Coafls of Spain and Portugal, and to cruise upoti all<br />

Nations; but what they chiefly aim'd at was a Ship<br />

with Wine, for that they wanted extreamly.<br />

The iirft Prize they took was an Englijh Sloop belong-<br />

ing to Pool, Thomas Wife, Commander, bound from<br />

l^eiufoundlattd with Fifll for Cadi» ; this was a Pri:2e<br />

of no Value to them, for they knew not what to do<br />

with the Filh ; fo they took out the Mailer, Mr. Wife,<br />

and his Men, who were but five in rtumBef, With their<br />

Anchors, Cables, and Sails, and what elfe they found<br />

worth taking out, and funk the VeiTel.<br />

N. B. Here it is to he ohferv'd, they found a Man very<br />

Jit for their Turn, one James Belvin, he ivas Boatfivain<br />

of the Sloop, a ftout, brisk Tettonv, and a njery good Sailor,<br />

cut cthern.vays vjichd enough tofuit itjith their Occa/ion,<br />

and as foon as he came among them he difcover'd it; for<br />

tho'' he ivas not in the fir ft bloody Contrivance, yet "'tis<br />

evident he join'd heartily in all the Villainies which fol-<br />

kiv'd, and took all Occafions to engage their Confidence,<br />

and to convince them that he ivas hearty in his joining them.<br />

In a Word, he was the moft aftive and vigorous Fel-<br />

low of any that were forc'd into their Service; for<br />

. many of the other, tho' they afted with them, and<br />

yitxt apparently allifting, yet there was always a kirrd<br />

of Backwardnefs and Difguft at the Villainy, for which<br />

they were often maltreated, and always fufpefted by<br />

•their Mailers.<br />

The next Prize they took was a Scotch Veflel, bound<br />

from Glafgoiv, with Herrings and Salmon, from thence<br />

to Genoa, and commanded by one Mr. John Somervilk,<br />

of Port Patrick; this Ve/Iel was likewife of little Value<br />

to them, except that they took oat, as they had done<br />

from the other, their Arms, Ammunition, Cloths, Pro-<br />

vifions, Sails, Anchors, Cables, iSc and every Thing<br />


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