I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[305 ]<br />

Sarah affirm'd, that flie knew nothing of all this till<br />

about Two o'clock on Sunday Afternoon, when they<br />

proceeded to tliis plund'ring and rifling the Houfe, out<br />

of which, i^ ftie faid, they took to the Value of 300/.<br />

in Money, beiides feveral other fmall Things, whicli<br />

they divided between them that Night pretty equally,<br />

under a Lamp in the Tenrple. I objefted to her that<br />

there was not Time to divide fuch a Sum of Money<br />

equally among four, and that under a Lamp, for they<br />

mifht be difcover'd. Then flie alledg'd, that they had<br />

made their Divifions in the Chambers, and came down<br />

in Hafte, and threw above 50/. Value and the Tan-<br />

kard in her Lap, and then left her abruptly, without<br />

telling her any Thing of the Murder, only tliat they<br />

had gag'd all the the three, as had been formerly agreed<br />

upon, before the Execution of their moll wicked Plot.<br />

And this Account flie always perfifted in, tho' with a<br />

fmall Variation. I told her, that her Guilt appear'd<br />

from htr Own Confeffion, as flie was one of the prin-<br />

cipal Peifons in laying the Scheme to rob the Cham-<br />

bers, and as ihe introduced them to the Chamber, and<br />

watched while they went in, vyith a Defign to gag<br />

therh ; and 9.S (he was afterward a Partaker of the<br />

Spoil ; but how to judge of the' other three unlucky<br />

Perfons whom fhe blamed, and who was detained up-<br />

on the fame Account, we know not, but muft refer<br />

them to Divine Providence, which in moft Cafes brings<br />

to Light fuch hidden Works of Darknefs. I endea-<br />

vour'd what I could to bring her to a plain Confeffion of<br />

her Sins, but 'ftie always deny'd that fhe was con-<br />

cern'd in aftually imbruing her Hands in the Blood of<br />

thefe three innocent Perfons, alledging flill, that five<br />

knew nothing of any previous Defign, nor any Thing<br />

of the Murd'rers, till Sunday the 4th of February about<br />

Two o'clock in the Afternoon.<br />

She was a moft obdurate impenitent Sinner, and gave<br />

no' reafonable Account what Communion Ihe was of,<br />

having at firft declar'd herfelf of the Romtjh Commu-<br />

nion. She was of a moft bold, daring, boifterous and<br />

* ', : " " wilfiJ<br />


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