I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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« to inform ye, Good People, that I liv'd till within<br />

" a Year of her Deceafe in the greateft Quiet and Af-<br />

" feftion with my Wife, but in that Interval I confefs,<br />

" there hath been many Quarrels and much Animofity<br />

" between us ; however, as I am to die for the Con-<br />

" fequences of them, I hope you will fpeak charitably<br />

" of me after my Deceafe, and not add, as is too of-<br />

" ten the Cultom, the Imputation of Crimes to him,<br />

" whofe Guilt is already but too great.<br />

" Laftly, I entreat all Chriftians, that they would<br />

" not refleft on thofe poor Orphans I leave behind, for<br />

" my Sake, or that of their deceafed Mother. It will<br />

" be Affliftion enough to thofe unhappy Infants, tore-<br />

" member as they grow up, tlie dreadful End which<br />

" hath happen'd unto their Parents; and I humbly _en-<br />

" treat God it may imprint on their Heart a fenous<br />

" Apprehenfion of doing any Thing againft his Laws.<br />

" As they cannot be thought in any Degree anfwerable<br />

" for my Adions, fo I hope my dying Defire being<br />

" added to the Diftates of every Man's Reafon, will<br />

" preferve them from any Reproach of this fort. Fi-<br />

" Daily, I freely and from my Heart forgive thofe who<br />

" have injured me in any manner whatfoever, efpecial-<br />

" ly thofe who have refleaed too feverely on me for<br />

" that for which I die, entreating God alfo to pardon<br />

" the Intemperance of their Tongues, who have fought<br />

" to add to my Sorrows, and to increafe the Weight of<br />

" my AfHidlions.<br />

" For you good People, I humbly befeech your la-<br />

" terccffion to Almighty God for my departing Soul,<br />

" that the Greatnefs of his Mercy may fupply the Im-<br />

" perfeftneis of my Repentance, and fupport me under<br />

" the heavy Load of my Sufferings, and efface the<br />

«' Guilt of my Crimes, and that the Merits of my Sa-<br />

" viour's Death (in which alone I trufl) may bring mc<br />

" to everlafling Life,<br />


He wa-, executed at Tyiurn on MM Jay the 14th o£<br />


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