I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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Ill<br />

[ 272 ]<br />

• mour'd the Thing, finding they knew nothing of my<br />

laft Nights Exploit which I was at iirlt afraid they did,<br />

fays I, if I leave the Wig with you will you let me<br />

go ? Stay, fays he, and hear nvhat my Brother fays, who<br />

coming in juit then, he wink'd at him, he taking the<br />

Hint, fays, Mr.' is not at Home, fo I did not tell<br />

any Body ivhat I ivanted '•with him ; upon which the<br />

other put the Queiiion to him, who turning to me fays,<br />

Ha've you got any Money ? I replying in the Negative,<br />

fays he, / ivould not 'voillingly be the Means of any poor<br />

Man's being hangd, git'e us the Wig and flip aivay. I<br />

return'd then fhort upon them and faid, Are not you a<br />

tcapk cf Rsg-ues? Bllknovj mikctker you Jhall flop People<br />

in this manner to rob and defraud them; with that I<br />

-took up a Pot, and knocking hard on the Table, I<br />

-called out, Landlord, does e'ver a Conftable linje here<br />

about ? He heard me knock, and came to the Door,<br />

but did not hear what I faid, and before I could re-<br />

peat the Queflion again, one of them faid. Go fetch<br />

7ne a ^artern of Brandy, and therev/ith one went<br />

cut, the other faying to me. You had better not make a<br />

Noife ; the Landlord coming, fays T, I did not call you<br />

•fir this, I ivant no Brandy; fays the other, 1 called<br />

for it, here take the Reckoning, giving him a Shilling,<br />

and whilft he was gone for Change he run out after the<br />

other as fail as he could, leaving me the Brandy and<br />

the 3 d. to do what I wou'd with.- When the Land-<br />

lord came I took the 3 d. and filling out half, I drank<br />

to the Landlord and went about my Bufmefs; and<br />

coming to London I chang'd away my Jacket and<br />

•Breeches for a pair of Breeches, Jacket and Trowzers<br />

that were fit for me, and had fome Money to boot;<br />

and when I had fpent that, I fold my Hat and Wig,<br />

and got an old one to wear, and having likewife fpent<br />

that, I was forc'd to betake me to my Shifts again.<br />

And having been to Fulham, I over-took a young<br />

Woman who had been a Milking, and was carrying it<br />

Home, (as I came along I faw a Mulberry Tree, and<br />

had gather'd my Hat full) and alking her to eat fome<br />


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