I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 6i 1<br />

cjualatance, whe was to fupply them with Saws, Pi-<br />

ftols, &c. and fome- Opium, which they defigned to<br />

give the Keepers ; Bk-ivifs Brother coming to them,<br />

was over-heard to fay he had forgot the Opium, whicli<br />

occafion'd a Sufpicion amongft the Keepers, and Burn-<br />

nvoriFs Mother coming to him, the Keepers fearching<br />

her, found upon her feveral Saws, Piftols, and other<br />

Implements to affift them in making their Efcapes ; up-<br />

on which fhe was feiz'd, and was confin'd in the faid<br />

Prifon for the fame. There was alfo found upon one of<br />

them a large clafp Knife, with which, if they could not<br />

have effefted their Efcape, otherwife they intended to<br />

have murd'red the Perfons who watch'd them.<br />

Had they fucceeded in this Attempt, their DeCga<br />

was to have fet Fire to a large Stack of Bavins adjoin-<br />

ing to the Prifon, and to two or three other Places in<br />

the Town, that whilft the Inhabitants had been bulled<br />

in quenching the fame, they might have had Time to<br />

have made their Efcapes.<br />

The next Day being Tuefday, Burnviwrth called to<br />

one of the Guards who attended them, and merrily told<br />

him, if he did not take Care to fee his Body brought<br />

back after his Execution, that he might be decently<br />

buried, he would meet him in a dark Entry and pull<br />

Ms Nofe off j fo thoughtlefs was he of his approaching<br />

Fate.<br />

About TO o'clock on Wednejday Morning, they were<br />

all fix (together with Richard Blackburn, condemn'd for<br />

robbing on the Highway) put into a Cart, attended by<br />

a Company of Foot Soldiers to Kin^fton Gallows. In<br />

their Way thither, their Countenance and Behaviour<br />

was much more fettled and compofed than before ; they<br />

fhew'd an Air of Serioufnefs and Devoutnefs, and Blt-<br />

ivit feeing one Mr. Warmoick amongft the Speftators,<br />

defired to flop that he might fpeak to him, which be-<br />

ing granted, he on his Knees asked Pardon of Mr.<br />

War-'Muk for an Attempt he had once made upon his<br />

Life, by prefenting a Piftol at him, upon Sufpicion that<br />

Mr. Warivkk had given Information againft him for-<br />


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