I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[40]<br />

His Father dying fome Years before he left the Coun-<br />

try, his Mother, who then kept a little Ale-houfe at<br />

the Place before-mentioned, being left with a Charge of<br />

Children, he was very dutiful and induftrious in aflifting<br />

her, and by his Labour was very inftrumental in the<br />

Support of the Family; fometimes doing Hufbandry,<br />

Har\'eft, or Labourers Work, according as the fame<br />

offered; at other Times being employed as a Tapfter, in<br />

drawing Drink in feveral Inns in the Country, till fome<br />

few Months before the Murder was committed, he h-id<br />

a Delire to come to London, which he did, and behav'd<br />

himfelf very regularly and diligently in fuch Bufinefs as<br />

he could get, but not being fettled in any certain Place<br />

of Work, he was fearful of being preffed, and remem-<br />

bering himfelf of his Countryman Hayes, he went to<br />

fee him, to whom relating his Apprehenfions, and w.int<br />

of Bufinefs at the fame Time, Mr. Hayes invited him<br />

to come and lodge with Billings, and promifed to en-<br />

quire out for Bufinefs for him : He had not been long '<br />

there before Mrs. Hayes took the Opportunity to pro-<br />

pofe to him the defigncd Intention Ihe had of murd'ring<br />

her Hufband, which at firft he refufed with Abhorrence,<br />

but at laft was over perfuaded by her artful Intreaties,<br />

and his being in a great Meafure intoxicated when the<br />

I'aft was committed, brought him to a Compliance.<br />

There are various Opinions and Conjeftures of '•Tho.<br />

Billings as to his Birth and Parentage ; Mrs. Hayes her-<br />

felf, fome few Days before the Execution, affirm'd him<br />

to be her own Son, lav/fuUy begotten by Mr. Hayes<br />

after her Marriage with him, and that he was 20 Years<br />

of Age at his Execution i that Mr. Hayes not loving<br />

him when an Infant, he was put out to her Relations to<br />

Nurfe, and took the Name of Billings from his God •<br />

father who was of that Name; but as none of Mr.<br />

Hayes''% Relations knew or heard of her ever having had<br />

any fucii Child, and as 'tis certain fhe, even till the very<br />

Time of her Death, prevaricated in feveral Things,<br />

there is little Reafon to believe it to be fo. The only<br />

Account he could give of himfelf was, that he believ'd<br />


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