I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 53 ]<br />

but defignedly miffed the Staple; the Door being thus-<br />

upon the jar only, as flie gave the Drink to BurnvM-th,<br />

ihe fix Perfons rufhed fuddenly into the Room, Burn-<br />

nuarth liearing the Noife, and fearing the Surprize,<br />

jump'd up thinking to have gained the back Door, but<br />

not knowing the fame to be bolted they were upon hitn<br />

before he could get it open, and holding his Arms be-<br />

hind him, one of them ty'd them, whilft Smother to<br />

jfltimidate him, fired a Piltel over his Head ; then thw<br />

immediately carried him before a Juftice of the Peace,<br />

who after a long Examination committed him to New-<br />

gate.<br />

While he was in Confinement, his Emiflarles, fuppo-<br />

fing Kate Leonard to have been the chief Projeaor and<br />

Caufer of his being apprehended, attempted to murder<br />

her, by firing a Piftol at her one Night as Ihe was<br />

going in at her own Door ; and feveral Attempts of<br />

the like Nature being made, the Juftices ordered a fuf-<br />

ficient Watch to attend the Houfe every Night, to<br />

prevent the Execution of their Defign, and to bring the<br />

Aftors therein to condign Punifhment.<br />

Burn-worth being at laft got into Neiugate, he was<br />

confined in the Cmdemned-Hok for Security : here he<br />

continued from the Time of his Commitment to the<br />

13 th csi March, when feven other Criminals under Sen-<br />

tence of Death being confined along with iiim, he con-<br />

certed an Efcape in the following manner.<br />

Having on the Sunday in the Evening procured an<br />

Iron Crow to be handed in unto him, thro' the little<br />

Hole made for the admittance of Light into the Con-<br />

domned-Hole, he fpirited the other Prifoners to attempt<br />

an Efcape, and they began to put their Defign in exe-<br />

cution as foon as the Gaol was locked up, and they<br />

were under no farther Apprehenfion of being vifited<br />

by the Keepers till the next Morning, and whilft feme<br />

of them fung Pfalms, the others were employed iti<br />

breaking down the Wall with the Iron Crow, and they<br />

puU'd out Stones to the quantity of about two Curt<br />

Loads, which they pil'd up againft the Door, fo that<br />

C 3 in

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