I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 38 I<br />

, her ar.d cry'ii, and'would lie all the reft of the Night<br />

5. in the Room with the dead Body ; that the firft Oc-<br />

cafion of this Defign to murder him-was, becaufe he'<br />

came Home drunk one Night and beat her, upon<br />

" which Billings faid, this Fellow deferves to be kili'd,<br />

and Wood, faid, he'd be his Butcher for one Penny ;<br />

that fhe told 'em they might do as they would, but<br />

'* did not think they'd do it that Night it was done ;.<br />

'• that fhe did not tell her Hufhand of the Defgn to<br />

'• murdtr him for Fear he fhould beat her j that fhe<br />

' fent to Billings, to let him know 'twas in vain to deny<br />

' the Murder Qi her Hufband any longer, for they were<br />

' both Guilty, and mull: both die for it.' There were<br />

many other Circumflances equally ftrong,. befides this<br />

Acknowledgment from her own Mouth, and about four-<br />

^en 0|. fiftee,n other Witnefles,, but the Proofs being fo<br />

flain,, there was no Occafjon to examine them; fhe ac-<br />

uQwkdgcd in Court upon her Trial, that fhe knew of<br />

fthe Ifltentfoa to murder hirn ibme Days before the Fad<br />

was ccmmiflS'lj, ajid that fhe was ia the next Room,<br />

when it was done, but perfifted in it that fhe was inno-<br />

cent,, becaufe fhe did not kill him with her own Handf,,<br />

and- havipg nothing elfe to oiler, fhe was found Guilty.<br />

At their receiving Sentence, Wood^rA Billings begg'd<br />

t|\e Merey. of the Court, that they might not be hung<br />

in Chain,",, a^jknowledgint^the J.uilice of their Sentence.,,<br />

and their willingnefs to attone for the Bbod they had,.<br />

ifced, by Ijying dovvri their. Lives for- tha fame: iWrs,<br />

-fe^j'cr, di fired likewife fl-e might not b« burn'd, fayirig,.<br />

i};e was wiliipg and dirflrous to die tbo' innocent of<br />

the Ff.iS,. and havii^g nothing, more to cfFer in their-<br />

Cefence, Sentence of Death as ufual was pafled upon.-.<br />

£hem,,i.7X. PFoodand Billings to be hans'd,, and Mrs,<br />

Hayes to bs burn'd alive.<br />

After Sisntente thus pafiedupon them, they were all'<br />

remanded back to Netvgau,, Wood 'dnd Eillings were,<br />

confined in the Conde7r.::id.-hiohU with theotixr Malefii-<br />

ftors under Sentence of Desth,, and Mrs. Ma^es in an<br />

Apartment peculiar to the Women in the like Condi-<br />


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