I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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i: i65 ]<br />

I am the longer upon this particular Part becaufe it is<br />

fo very remarkable, and the Circumftances of it are fo<br />

imaccountable: That the Boatfwain ftiould come on<br />

Shore with his Boat, and no more but four Men, think-<br />

ing to fire and plunder Mr. Pea's Houfe with that little<br />

Crew, aj if he could imagine Mr. Fea, who they knew<br />

was alarm'd and had been acquainted with what they<br />

were, (bould have no Body at all with him, or that he<br />

could ftorm his Houfe with that little Force.<br />

Then that he ftiould be wheedled into an Ale-houfe<br />

by a fingle Gentleman, as if he would have ventur'd<br />

himfelf into an Ale-houfe with them if he had not had<br />

Help at Hand, to refcue him if any Thing had been<br />

offered to him.<br />

TJien which vj^s ftill worfe, that they Ihould be<br />

taken with the old Bait of having the Gentleman cali'd<br />

out of the Room when they were together, as if he<br />

could have any Bufmefs to talk of there but to lay a<br />

Trap for them, and which, if they had their Eyes<br />

about them, or as we may fay, any Eyes in their Head,<br />

they might have feen into it eafily enough.<br />

And to conclude this Scene of Madnefs and Fqlly to-<br />

gether, they came all away and left their Boat, with<br />

no Body either in her to keep her afloat, or near her to<br />

guard and defend her ; riothing but Men infatuated to<br />

their own Deftruftion, and condemn'd by the vifible<br />

Hand of Heaven to an immediate Surprize, could have<br />

been fo ftupid.<br />

In a Word, they were as void of Counfel as of<br />

Courage, they were out-witted on every Occafion, they<br />

could not fee in the open Day what any one elfe would<br />

have felt in the Dark, but they dropped infenfibly into<br />

Mr. Feas Hands, by one, and two, and three at a<br />

Time, as if they had told him before hand, that if he<br />

went on with his Stratagem, he (hould be fure to have<br />

them all in his Cultody very quickly ; and tho' every •<br />

one as faft as they went on Shore were made Prifo-<br />

ners, and fecur'd, yet the other were made believe they<br />

were at Liberty, and were fimple enough to come on<br />

Shore to them. „,<br />


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