I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ 341 ]<br />

lloe ConfeJJion of "William Bufti, alias Saun-<br />

ders, alias Schooling.<br />

HE was near 20 Years of Age, born at Hackney,<br />

of honeft Parents, he was of no Trade, but<br />

wrought at Labouring Work, in and about the<br />

Town ; he had been a Foot Soldier, but had neglefted<br />

his Duty for ferae Time before he was taken up ; he<br />

faid he wrought carefully and induftrioufly for his Bread,<br />

till about two or three Months before he was taken up,<br />

when becoming acquainted with thefe Rogues, who<br />

perfuaded him to accompany them in their unlawful<br />

Expeditions. He only own'd his having been concern'd<br />

in the robbing of Mr. Francis, and faid he did not en-<br />

ter the Houfe, but having affifted in binding Mr. Fra//-<br />

a's and his two Servants, he was one of them who Hood<br />

Centinel over them while the reft rifled the Houfe, beat<br />

and abufed the Miftrefs, her Daughter, and the Maid in<br />

a moft barbarous manner, and then carry'd off every<br />

Thing that was v'al'wbie.<br />

They gave him what fmall Share of the Plunder they<br />

pleafed, which was all he got in that wicked Way ; he<br />

always attended in Chapel, and behaved decently, but<br />

did not appear fo much afFefted as he ought to have<br />

been, tho' fometimes he fhed Tears, which fome of the<br />

reft could not, or ha.d not the Grace fo to do.<br />

Bu/i broke out of ClerketinveU-Briileivell about three<br />

Months agone, by knocking down the Woman v/ho<br />

opens the Door at that Prifon, and taking from her the<br />

Keys, let himfelf out, for he was to be confin'd there<br />

to hard Labour, and fo- many Months Imprifonment foi*<br />

an Affault by him committed. When he made his Ef-<br />

cape, he endeavour'd to find out Wheeler the Evidence,<br />

who as he faid v/as his School-fellow, which he did, and<br />

when he had found him, ho propofed to him to go along<br />

with him, and tiie reft of his Companions, upon thefe<br />

dangerous and villainous Methods, which he readily conr<br />

V 3 fentcd

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