I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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[ ipo ]<br />

On WednefJay Evening, the fecond Day before his<br />

Execution, one in a Lny Habit, fuppofed to be a Ro-<br />

mi/h Prieft, came to him and fpoke filently in his Ear,<br />

That it twas necejpxry'for him to turn, for that there ivas<br />

f!o Sahation out of their Church. This put him into<br />

the greateft Agony and Perplexity imaginable, all tlie<br />

next Night. I told him he need not be afraid to truft<br />

his Salvation upon the Mercy of God, through the<br />

Merits of Jefus Chrift ; and that their Way of Inltru-<br />

ftion was to teach Men to confide in their own Merits,<br />

and the Intercefiion of the Saints, which was an uncer-<br />

tain Way of obtaining the Favour,,of God, and con-<br />

trary to Scripture Revelation. He was content, and<br />

faid he did not believe him; but that being fo near<br />

Death, it put him in no little Confufion to hear him-<br />

felf upbraided, as if he had liv'd in fo grofs an Error<br />

all his Life.<br />

This is a Freedom which thofe of our Communion<br />

dare not take in fome neighbouring Countries.<br />

^he following Account cf the Murder of Mr.<br />

Ormes, was deliver'd by Francis Wood-<br />

marfh to a Gentleman in the Prefs-Yard in<br />

Newgate, the Morning before his Execu-<br />

tion, in the Sight cf a great Number of<br />

People there prefent, and hy him requefled<br />

to he delivered to Mr. APPLEBEE, to be<br />

publifhed to the World.<br />

AS it is cuflomary for Perfons under my unhappy<br />

Circumftances to declare the Truth at their lall<br />

Moments, concerning the Faft for which they fufFer ; I<br />

hope by this to fatisfy the World as to the real Truth,<br />

tho' Things have been much mifreprefented, which have<br />

done me no fmall Harm,<br />


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