I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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or think me the lefs in earnell for treating him with<br />

good Manners; he told me he did not, and aflur'd me<br />

he would give me his all, which was 32 Guineas, and<br />

I ; j. in Silver. I then made away for Richmond, where<br />

I ftaid till Afternoon, in Hopes of meeting the Stage<br />

Coaches, which came in juft as I got on Horfeback j<br />

from thence I rode to Putney-Common, where after fome<br />

Time fauntring about, I met a Chariot with two v/ell<br />

drefs'd Ladies in it, whom I addreiled with all the good<br />

Manners I was Mafter of, gently taking up their A-<br />

prons, and ftroaking down their Gloves to fearch for<br />

Watches or Rings, but the poor Ladies affur'd me they<br />

had been robb'd a little before by a Gentleman on a<br />

Grey Mare ; this I found fmce to be true, for the Per-<br />

fon who did it was then under the feme Circumftances<br />

as myfelf, which was Mr. Drew alias Johr.fon.<br />

Not much difcourag'd at this, I took a little Circuit<br />

round, and made for London, when in the Fields be-<br />

* tween iVandfworth and Putney, I met an old grave Pu-<br />

ritan, from whom I took about 9 /. and went quietly<br />

Home ; but having a Sum of RJoney to pay the next<br />

Day, I was oblig'd to rife pretty early to meet the<br />

Northampton Stage, from which 1 took 27 /. odd Mo-<br />

ney, and gave over for that Day, and made good the<br />

Payment according to my Engagement.<br />

My next Airing was towards Endfield, where I ftopt<br />

Mr. Lloyd a Dtfi'dkr, and his Lady, in an open Chaife<br />

near Salmon''s>-Brook, from whom I took about 10 j. hre<br />

Lady being much furprized, I did not make any far-<br />

ther Search, but rode a little out of that Road towards<br />

Southgate, where I met a Mourning Coach and fix,<br />

which I ftopp'd, but finding nothing therein but Under-<br />

takers^ Servants, I did not think it worth my while to<br />

examine the Contents of their Pockets, fo kept jog-<br />

ging on ; but had no other Opportunity of attacking<br />

any Thing of worth that Night.<br />

My next Ride was towards Chifwick, on Purpofe<br />

to meet a certain Colonel, of whom I had private No-<br />

tice ; but as I was well affur'd he would know my<br />

L z Face,<br />


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