I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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the manner as they had left me, I fhewed Mr. Ptttf Mr.<br />

Roiife, and Mr. Parry my Art, and before their Faces<br />

unlocked the Padlock with the Nail; and tho' People<br />

made fuch an Out-cry about it, there is fcarce a Smith<br />

in London but what may eafily do the fame Thing ;<br />

however this call'd for a farther Security of me, and<br />

till now I had remain'd without Hand-Cuffs, and a jolly<br />

Pair was provided for me, Mr. Kiieehone were prefent<br />

when they were put on : I with Tears begged his In-<br />

terccffion to the Keepers to preferve me from thofe<br />

dreadful Manacles, telling him, ray Heart was broken,<br />

and that I fhould be much more miferable than before.<br />

Mr. Kneebone could not refrain from Ihedding Tears,<br />

and did ufe his good Offices with the Keepers to keep<br />

me from them, but all to no Purpofe, on they went,<br />

tho' at the fame Time I defpifed them, and well knev/<br />

that with my Teeth only, I could take them off at<br />

Pleafure ; but this was to lull them mto a firm Belief,<br />

that they had efFeaually frullrated all Attempts to ef-<br />

cape for the future. I was ftill fltr from dcfpairing,<br />

the Turnkey and Mr. Kneebone had not been gone dowu<br />

Stairs an Hour, e'er I made an E.xperiment, and got<br />

off my Hand-Cuffs, and before they vifited me again I<br />

put them on, and induftriouily rubb'd and fretted the<br />

Skin on my Wrifts, making them very bloody, as<br />

thinking (if fuch a Thing svas poflible to be done) ta<br />

move the Turnkeys to Compaffion, but rather to con-<br />

firm them in their Opinion ; bat tho' this had no EfFeift<br />

upon them, it wrought much upon the Speftators, and<br />

drew down from them not only much Pity, but quan-<br />

tities of Silver and Copper; but I wanted ftill a more<br />

ufeful Metal, a Crow, a Chiffel, a File, and a Saw or<br />

two, tho,fe Weapons being more ufeful to me than all<br />

the Mines in Mexico ; bat there was no expelling any<br />

fuch Utenlils in my Circumftances.<br />

Wediiefday the 14th oi OSlcber the Seffions begin-<br />

ning, I found there was not a Moment to be loft, and<br />

the Affair of Jonathan Wild's, I'htoat, together with<br />

the Bufmefs at the Old-Bailey having fufiiciently engag'd<br />

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