I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory

I I - American Memory


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C 71 ]<br />

' fince I inllfted in his Majefty's Service ; the Charafter<br />

' of my Behaviour in that Time, I will leave to my<br />

' Acquaintance to declare.<br />

' My Charafter was fufficiently teftified at my Tryal<br />

' by Gentlemen of Worth and Honour. I pray God<br />

' blefs them for their Chriftian Charity; I praife God<br />

' my Refolution to live uprightly was no Conftraint.<br />

' As for the .Caufe I fuffer, and the horrid Imputa-<br />

' tion I am charged with, which is render'd Murder.<br />

' [from my Soul I abhor it] I now declare as I expeft<br />

,' Salvation, I am unjuftly accufed, but I freely forgive<br />

' my Profecutors, as I hope to be forgiven ; for what<br />

' I did was accidental, and in my own Vindication,<br />

' the real Truth of which is as follows.<br />

' The two Soldiers that were Evidence for me defir'd<br />

' me to drink with them, as we return'd Home thro'<br />

' the Fark, paffing by two Women, and being warmed<br />

' with Liquor, I prefum'd to give one of them a Kifs,<br />

' the other was a married Woman, and refenting my<br />

'' Freedom, called out to her Hufband Edixiard Perry<br />

' the Deceafed, and to Toms that walked before, both<br />

* entire Strangers to me ; they returned, Toms advanced<br />

' towards me abruptly, and ftruck me over the Head<br />

' and Shoulders with a Stick, which ftun'd me ; he<br />

' likewife urg'd the Deceafed to quarrel with me.<br />

' The Deceafed (Perry) fwore he'd fee me out, and<br />

' ftruck me with his Sword in the Seaboard over the<br />

' Head, then he drew his Sword and made feveral<br />

* Pafies at me, I ftill retreated, till provok'd to draw<br />

' my Sword to preferve myfelf. This Affair was in<br />

' the Night, I receiv'd a Wound in my right Hand<br />

' Thumb, and a Thruft thro' my Coat. This I de-<br />

' clare to be the whole Truth, as I fhall anfwer to my<br />

' great God ; tho' my Profecutors Toms, and the De-<br />

' ceafed Man's Wife fwore the Reverfe, which took<br />

' Place to my Ruin. I pray God forgive them their<br />

' TrefpafTes, as I hope Forgivenefs for my own. I<br />

' pray God blefs my good Colonel for his Care and En-<br />

•' deavours for my Safety, I pray God blefs him with<br />

' length

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