06.08.2017 Aufrufe

Freies Kurdistan Buch

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168<br />

polling process by party workers or polling agents;<br />

(d) – the ink used to mark voters’ fingers was not indelible in every case and there were a<br />

number of corroborated accounts of voters removing the ink after voting;<br />

(e) – there was a substantial number of prospective voters who, despite queuing for many<br />

hours, were unable to vote before the poll closed at midnight; this was particularly<br />

the case at urban polling stations.<br />

(f) – the possibility of substantial multiple voting as a result of (d) was greatly mitigated<br />

by (e) and, if attempted at smaller village polling centres, organised groups of<br />

outsiders would have been immediately noted and reported; I expressly asked all<br />

available monitors about this problem but no monitor had reported any evidence of<br />

organised multiple voting;<br />

(g) – I was able to state that in my opinion, on the basis of the written monitoring reports,<br />

plus face to face discussions with a number of monitors, and my own observations,<br />

the election had been a full and free expression of the wishes of the Iraqi Kurdish<br />

electorate.“<br />

Ein anderer Wahlbeobachter, Martin Lunn von COMPROMISE (Committee for the Promotion of<br />

International Settlements), ebenfalls aus Großbritannien, schließt seinen Bericht über diese<br />

Wahlen mit folgenden Worten:<br />

„The general feeling was that this election, arguably the first full and free election in the<br />

Middle East, had been a huge success. Civil disturbances were rare, and there were no<br />

deaths or riots on the day. Considering the communication problems and those caused by<br />

queuing, this is almost miraculous. It was perhaps seen as an election for democracy<br />

rather than for a particular party. It almost seemed as if the voters did not realise that<br />

some parties would have to lose!“ 1<br />

Trotz gelegentlicher Vorfälle von Täuschung oder anderer Vergehen ist diese Wahl ein<br />

außerordentlich bedeutendes Ereignis für die Kurden bzw. die Bevölkerung <strong>Kurdistan</strong>s gewesen.<br />

Sie durften und konnten zum ersten Mal in ihrem Leben frei, demokratisch und gleichberechtigt<br />

ihre Vertreter für das erste Parlament und die erste eigene Regierung wählen. Der Wahltag ist<br />

wohl ein historischer Tag nicht nur in <strong>Kurdistan</strong>, sondern auch in der ganzen Region. Dazu<br />

schreibt McDowall: „Its example was a symbolic threat not only to Saddam but to all un-elected<br />

regimes in the region.” 2<br />

1 ebd., S.14.<br />

2 McDowall, 1997, S.381.<br />


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