13.05.2013 Aufrufe

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung


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sulting credit to another company – allowing the latter, without penalty,<br />

to defer any comparable improvement – or use it for itself, as an offset<br />

to operations of its own whose cleanup it might deem to be too costly.<br />

The dollar-amount of the credit that is extended (whatever the basis on<br />

which a company might originally have received it) is subject to legislation<br />

or administrative ruling. In either case, there is ample room for even<br />

the most direct forms of corruption. 197 More generally, however, even assuming<br />

transparent operation, this arrangement precludes attention to<br />

such systemic matters as questioning the social need for continuance of<br />

particular lines of production.<br />

The ecological crisis reflects the totality of human productive activity,<br />

as currently organized. The capitalist response to the crisis is unavoidably<br />

defined not only by the profit motive but also by the ultimate unit<br />

of decision-making, which is not the community or the whole society,<br />

but the particular enterprise. A capitalist government, despite its theoretical<br />

function of serving the system as a whole, is nonetheless compelled<br />

– absent a powerful countervailing force – to respect enterpriseautonomy,<br />

exercised through the market. As the current dual crisis (economic<br />

and ecological) deepens, pressure to override this custom is likely<br />

to grow. But in the meantime, it continues to be reinforced by countless<br />

institutional ties.<br />

<br />

<br />

With green capitalism – “green energy,” “green recovery,” etc. – now embraced<br />

as official US policy, it is worth examining more closely the scope<br />

and implications of this commitment. At the highest levels, the changes<br />

from the Bush administration are clear, in that there is now a greater<br />

interest in pursuing forms of energy other than those based on fossil fuels.<br />

But there is no diminution of the cozy working relationship between<br />

government agencies and corporate management. The overall picture is<br />

encapsulated in remarks by Obama’s Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, in a<br />

February 2009 speech:<br />

197 An example is the announcement by Obama’s science adviser John Holdren (Washington<br />

Post, April 9, 2009) that the government would not require payment for all emissions-permits<br />

but would instead (in a concession to lobbying by the energy industry)<br />

give away some of them for free.<br />


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