13.05.2013 Aufrufe

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung


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wood forest have been destroyed, and many communities have been deluged<br />

with toxic sludge. 204 Confronted by strong opposition to the practice<br />

both from local inhabitants and from environmentalist organizations,<br />

Obama’s response was to call not for its abolition but only for stricter regulation.<br />

The EPA proposes, in its own words, to “minimize the adverse<br />

environmental consequences of mountaintop coal mining.” 205<br />

This response may be said to epitomize the approach of green capitalism.<br />

It is open to question, however, along several axes. To begin with,<br />

the damage to the environment in this process is not incidental; it is inherent,<br />

inasmuch as the process consists by definition in the removal of<br />

forest cover and the blasting of rock and coal. Thus, to minimize the consequences<br />

means to minimize the practice itself. The destruction of the<br />

environment is a cumulative process, in which every negative act adds to<br />

the total effect. Second, as has already been illustrated, the capitalist state<br />

is one whose regulators routinely empathize with – and often are drawn<br />

directly from the ranks of – those whom they are supposed to regulate<br />

(see Domhoff 1979, 31-37). This complicity is what undergirds, for any<br />

issue involving poisons, the need to opt – as Barry Commoner puts it –<br />

for prevention rather than mere “control” (Commoner 1990, 44). Finally,<br />

in the specific case at hand, the mountaintops could readily be kept intact<br />

and used instead as sites for tapping wind energy. But this would require<br />

an altogether different relation of forces in the society.<br />

The general framework for the next phase of US environmental policy<br />

will be set by the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009,<br />

which is being discussed in Congress at the time of this writing. This<br />

Act, given its task of balancing green image with industry demands, is<br />

sure to be a document of considerable bulk and complexity. Its basic approach<br />

is defined by cap-and-trade, but the strictness of the caps and the<br />

terms of the trading remain to be finalized. A posture of resolute action<br />

at the global level will need to be projected, but it will be offset by such<br />

details as those listed in a section entitled “Exemptions from Other Programs”<br />

(Title VIII, Part C). One of these exemptions reads as follows:<br />

“Section 831, Criteria Pollutants: Provides that greenhouse gases may<br />

204 Jeff Biggers, “Obama Says Mountain Crimes Can Be Regulated,” Huffington Post, June 11,<br />

2009, www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-biggers/breaking-obama-says-mount_b_214207.html.<br />

An 8-minute film of the blasting process and its effects can be seen at www.youtube.<br />

com/watch?v=RPixjCneseE<br />

205 EPA news release, June 11, 2009, http://yosemite.epa.gov/opa/admpress.nsf/bd4379<br />

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