13.05.2013 Aufrufe

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung


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Ackerman, Frank, 2009: Can We Afford the Future? The Economics of a<br />

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Blees, Tom, 2008: Prescription for the Planet: The Painless Remedy for Our<br />

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Dowie, Mark, 2001: American Foundations: An Investigative History. Cambridge,<br />

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Faber, Daniel, 2008: Capitalizing on Environmental Injustice: The Polluter-<br />

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ders., 2009: “Poisoning American Politics: The Colonization of the State by the<br />

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Farley, John W., 2008: “The Scientific Case for Modern Anthropogenic Global<br />

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ders., & Brett Clark, 2008: “Rachel Carson’s Radical Ecological Critique.”<br />

Monthly Review vol. 59, no. 9 (February)<br />


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