13.05.2013 Aufrufe

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung


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… the time for reform has arrived.<br />

To those of you from the oil and gas industry, I pledge that you will have<br />

a seat at the table in this Administration. I assure you that you will play<br />

an important role in helping us meet our nation’s energy needs.<br />

But President Obama and I believe that we need to be honest about our<br />

energy future. A “drill only” approach – onshore or offshore – is not<br />

enough.<br />

We need a new, comprehensive energy plan that takes us to the new<br />

energy frontier and secures our energy independence.<br />

Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu, a prominent physicist, strikes a<br />

similar note in tempering environmental awareness with strong optimism<br />

about technology and private enterprise. In both cases, the changes<br />

being introduced are within a framework that does not question the<br />

desirability of continuous economic expansion. 198<br />

Obama has on numerous occasions reaffirmed his basic corporate orientation,<br />

most revealingly perhaps in his meeting of 12 March 2009<br />

with the Business Roundtable, an organization which brings together<br />

the country’s top business leaders. 199 Here we find Obama in a collegial<br />

give-and-take with corporate managers, praising their public role, reaffirming<br />

his belief in “the power of the free market,” and responding<br />

supportively to a statement by one of his interlocutors who asserts, “it’s<br />

very important that we don’t have a government [healthcare] plan competing<br />

with a private plan.” With specific reference to environmental policy,<br />

Obama says, “we need ultimately to make clean, renewable energy<br />

the profitable kind of energy … [T]he best way to do that is through market-based<br />

caps on carbon pollution.” He adds, “we’ll invest $15 billion a<br />

year to develop technologies like wind power and solar power, advanced<br />

biofuels, clean coal, and more fuel-efficient cars and trucks….” The deceptive<br />

nature of the “clean coal” slogan and the problematic nature of<br />

biofuels are not acknowledged. And he then notes, near the end of the<br />

meeting, that even the cap-and-trade policy – the supposed incentive-basis<br />

for green energy – is not anticipated to go into effect until 2012.<br />

198 Official statements may be readily found at Interior and Energy Dept. websites: www.<br />

doi.gov and www.energy.gov Insightful journalistic essays on leading environmental<br />

policymakers of the last three decades may be found in Part Three of St. Clair 2008.<br />

For an overview of Obama’s approach, see Davis 2009, 31 ff.<br />

199 See Eley 2009 and, for transcript of the meeting, Obama 2009. For background on<br />

the Business Roundtable, which was founded in 1973, see Domhoff 1979, 79 ff.<br />


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