13.05.2013 Aufrufe

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung

Grünen Kapitalismus - Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung


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not be listed as criteria air pollutants on the basis of their effect on climate<br />

change.” 206 There can be little doubt that such language reflects the direct<br />

input of various fossil-fuel lobbies.<br />

The US ruling class’s success in resisting – or rolling back – progressive<br />

reform has deep historical roots. Its most powerful current reinforcement<br />

(since about 1945), however, derives from the US position of global<br />

military dominance. The many ideological reflections of this position<br />

foster an illusion – extending even to popular sectors – of collective<br />

omnipotence. This is what feeds the assumption that for every material<br />

problem there is a technological solution. That assumption is continuously<br />

restated at the highest levels, and stands as an enduring obstacle<br />

to any effective change of course – any real innovation – in environmental<br />

strategy.<br />

<br />

The supposed consensus around green capitalism is fraudulent. Insofar<br />

as it is capitalist, it is not green; as a “consensus,” it does not extend<br />

beyond the two-party duopoly. The “we” of “we’re all green” is among<br />

the many myths of a class-divided society whose dominant class claims<br />

to speak for everyone. Particularly ironic is the fact that the corporations<br />

which purvey this clean image are its biggest violators. Their ecological<br />

virtue is skin-deep. It is violated not only by their own business practices,<br />

but also by their role in sustaining policies and – through the mass<br />

media – a cultural climate that obstruct any wider attention to the needed<br />

changes.<br />

An ecologically informed Left response must begin, I think, by addressing<br />

this cultural climate, on the assumption that mass action from<br />

below is what has to drive a progressive ecological agenda. The cultural<br />

receptivity to ecological transformation is no doubt further advanced in<br />

Europe than it is in the US, partly because of European countries’ greater<br />

historical awareness of the need for collective approaches to such<br />

matters as transportation and urban space. Nonetheless, even in Europe,<br />

much remains to be done in terms of organized activity to restrain<br />

market-driven expansion.<br />

206 Section-by-Section on Discussion Draft of “The American Clean Energy And Security<br />

Act Of 2009” http://energycommerce.house.gov/Press_111/20090331/acesa_sectionsummary.pdf<br />

(accessed June 13, 2009).<br />


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