World Energy Outlook 2007

World Energy Outlook 2007

World Energy Outlook 2007


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power generation and improving the efficiency of coal-fired generation.<br />

Emissions from final use of energy in industry are 0.6 Gt, or 25%, lower in<br />

2030. Transport sector emissions are 0.3 Gt, or 23% lower. Residential, services<br />

and agriculture sectors account for the remainder, 0.1 Gt.<br />

Results by Sector<br />

Power Generation<br />

Policy Assumptions and Effects<br />

China’s power sector now accounts for almost 40% of total energy<br />

consumption and for almost half of total CO 2<br />

emissions. Both these shares are<br />

expected to rise in the future, if the government were not to make additional<br />

efforts to diversify the electricity supply mix and to reduce CO 2<br />

emissions and<br />

local pollution. The Alternative Policy Scenario demonstrates that, if policies<br />

to improve the efficiency of the way electricity is used are put in place,<br />

electricity generation can be lower by 12% in 2030, compared with the<br />

Reference Scenario. Total generation savings in 2030 amount to almost<br />

1 040 TWh and installed capacity is 148 GW lower.<br />

Table 11.2: Key Policy Assumptions in China’s Power Sector in<br />

the Alternative Policy Scenario<br />

Measure Description Status Assumption<br />

Renewable National targets, priority First Greater effort to<br />

<strong>Energy</strong> Law connection, tariffs, renewable introduction reach targets<br />

energy fund Jan. 2006<br />

Target for nuclear Target for 2020 to have Initial stage Greater effort to<br />

power 40 GW in place and 18 GW in place reach targets<br />

under construction<br />

Faster development More R&D, production Initial stage Increased<br />

and deployment of larger, more in place efficiency of new<br />

of clean coal efficient units power plants<br />

technologies<br />

Increased efficiency Measures to increase Initial stage Increased<br />

of existing plants efficiency of existing plants in place efficiency of<br />

existing power<br />

plants<br />

Early retirement of Plans to shut down units less Initial stage Increase in<br />

inefficient coal plants than 50 MW and 100 MW in place efficiency of<br />

existing stock<br />

372 <strong>World</strong> <strong>Energy</strong> <strong>Outlook</strong> <strong>2007</strong> - CHINA’S ENERGY PROSPECTS

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