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a university with over 30,000 students and the wait time was never greater than 30minutes, even during the final week of registration.843: Nothing844: that all advisors be trained appropriately to give the students the correct information at alltimes before the advisor is placed to work as an advisor!856: Make them work. I dont know what they are doing all the time but they only see like afew students per day. There is also a lot of favoritism in the offices. They let the studentsthat they know skeep the lines and go before the ones that are waiting outside. Sometimesthey seem to be lost and don't have a clue of what they are telling you.860: Nothing for now. Everyone is helpful and courteous.877: Students should be able to make appointmnets with an advisor through email or phone. Ifthe student is 5 minutes late and has not contacted the advisor, the advisor should take thenext student. Campus email for advisors need to be listed on line and in course catalogs.Advisors/counselers and students should summerize, document and sign what took placeduring advising. There is a need for better communication between Advising andFinancial Aid.894: UNFORTUNATELY THERE IS <strong>TO</strong>O MUCH DEMAND AND THE WAITING TIMEIS <strong>TO</strong>O MUCH ESPECIALLY FOR THOSE THAT HAVE <strong>TO</strong> WORK. I WOULDLIKE <strong>TO</strong> SEE AN EXTENSION IN HOURS OR ALLOW TIME IN EVENINGS ORWEEKENDS FOR THOSE <strong>STUDENT</strong>S WHO ATTEND DURING THOSE TIMES.904: Honestly,I could not complain about all advise I have had from them. I hope everystudent understands that advising is the best way for career success.914: I guess it just depends on what advisor you go to because last semester I was helped verywell and the advisor took the time to sit down and really work out a schedule that wouldbe good for ME... not just another student. But this semester, I was just given a list ofpossible classes I could take and sent on my way.925: be more clear about what I need to do instead of always sending me to the computer foranswers926: HELP YOU OUT MORE LIKE ASK YOU HOW YOU DOING IN THE CLASSESWHAT CLASSES ARE YOU DRUING928: Hire more staff to help students.933: I cannot speak for all of the campuses, but the Ybor campus needs to organize theircounseling and advising department. There are too many "sign in" clip boards and it isvery confusing sometimes to figure out which ones to sign. Also, there seems to only beone counselor, and that is not enough for the amount of students that there are.942: Not much can be done. To many students and not enough advisors. Not much can bereasonably done about that.947: I must say that the entire advising staff is friendly and always nice. However, the time ittakes to see an advisor is I believe to be completely inapropriate, sometimes waiting aslong as two hours. While waiting, you see a couple of advisors sauntering in and outwith a bag of chips and a coke while the "gate keeper" with the waiting list has actuallythree lists going and offers no explaination even upon questioning why the "blue" list hasalready seen six students and the other list has seen none. The advise given is usuallyvague and it is difficult to get clear direction, other than printing out the classes you haveyet to take.951: Have advisors more familar with exceptions to listed courses.Student Satisfaction Survey <strong>2007</strong> – Q15: Advising – Page 139

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