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the day. Often I drive around for 10-15 minutes waiting for a space. I have had teacherswho are late to class because they cannot find parking.1008: student's taking classes at night should not have to park so far away from their classeswithout proper lighting and security.1051: More parking lot availability. More lighted areas to walk at night.1085: Be more polite!!!1090: Parking is limited in once campus and too far from classrooms in others. Very hard tofind parking lots during late morning.1124: make more of an effort for the music major buildings ,they dont even have adecent classthe professor doesnt have his own office and theres just not enough support going forthem,im not even a music major but i know there situation is bad especially for the yborcampus .more money goes to the other musicians and not enough to make classicalguitarist want to continue school .1126: Well have signs and things up for the disabled. Pay more attention to the school needs instead of bringing in chik-fila every month1129: at ybor campus put a light down that alley between the campus and the garage1163: The parking lot is too far away from the campus and it gets crowd with traffic and manypeople have to be late for class.1217: nursing students need access to the lab1223: MORE PARKING! parking in the brandon field is horrible especially if it is raining.1266: Make more Handicap parking spots at YBOR campus!!!1269: Offer more parking areas..1270: parking is a real hassell1291: I believe the ybor campus is about to start construction of a new building. I'm prettyconfident that the school will make an announcement about the new building, and thatany and all opinions from students, on what the want in their new facilities are greatlysought after and appreciated. Without getting too involved in the politics of the school, Ifeel the construction company and the school will have a meeting. The department headswill all be there. They will all have a say as to what their dream facility would includeand require to meet the standards of their specific area of expertise. Next the companyand school heads will discuss this and try to pull individual ideas together to make anequal decision on a final design to please the individual departments. Then i believe thesame process will be provided for the teachers, then it will eventually trickle down to thestudents. As the process digresses the ideas will be porportionally accepted, meaning lessand le ss. So the end result of that would be, the school heads get about 80% of what theyask for, the individual departments will get about 10% total of what they want, theteachers will probably get about 8% of what they want, the workers will get probablyabout 1% of what they require and finally the students will get about 1% of what theyrequested. On top of that i feel that leeway will be given to the departments that, politicsaside, receive most of what they want from a biased group of board members.1336: I think that more information can be given to students about the labs and the centers thatare available.1340: THE PARKING GARAGE IS VERY FAR FROM THE ACTUAL CLASSES. IT ISDANGEROUS FOR <strong>STUDENT</strong>S THAT ATTEND IN THE EVENING (AFTERDARK). MAYBE MORE SECURITY.1363: It's fineStudent Satisfaction Survey <strong>2007</strong> – Q65: Campus Facilities – Page 377

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