09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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Distinguished Germans in Exile:<br />

Irreconcilably Opposed to the Nazi Regime (1939)<br />

[Leserbrief, zusammen mit Rudolf Olden]<br />

DV: Manchester Guardian, 24 8.1939<br />

Sir – The European conflict, whether considered as pending or already begun,<br />

reveals less a dissension between different States, races, and nations than the profound<br />

antagonism between ideologies, political and religious. If a war should arise<br />

from this conflict it would be from the very beginning not merely a war between<br />

different countries but a civil and religious war, as we have seen happen in Spain,<br />

where only yesterday this very conflict which now threatens Europe broke out in<br />

the form of a civil war.<br />

Similarly the German people are divided on the ideological issue. In 1914 even<br />

those Germans who opposed the Emperor’s policy were unanimous in espousing the<br />

cause of their country directly war broke out. Herr Hitler’s regime has fundamentally<br />

altered this. Today quite a number of Germans value their „Weltanschauung“ more<br />

highly than a common nationality or language. In the case of many the moral urge<br />

to declare their point of view openly was so strong that they have left their native<br />

country and have become exiles, although in many cases they were not driven to<br />

this grievous step by external circumstances. Whether those who disagreed were<br />

persecuted by the new rulers or not, whether they went into exile or hid their heads<br />

in shame at home, their sympathy and feeling of affinity with other forms of Government<br />

would, if a configuration were to break out in Europe, unite them closely<br />

to those who oppose the National-Socialist lust for expansion.<br />

This fact has been proved again in Spain, where thousands of Germans fought<br />

on the side of the Republic just because some of them opposite had been sent by<br />

the German Government. It was proved once more in the latter half of April 1939,<br />

when thousands of Germans voluntarily and of their own initiative offered their<br />

services to the French Army.<br />

Among those who have left Germany there are two former German Reichskanzlers,<br />

one Prussian Prime Minister, several German and Austrian Cabinet Ministers,<br />

a President of the Senate of Danzig, as well as many Communists, Social Democrats,<br />

Catholic Centrists, German Nationalists, and former National Socialists. There is<br />

not a single political section of Germany which has not its representatives among<br />

the exiles, not to speak of the many hundreds of German scholars who are living<br />

abroad today, cut off from their native country not so much on account of their<br />

race as because of their opinions, men such as Sigmund Freud and Albert Einstein.<br />

As for German literature, the only writers of any significance who have remained<br />

in Germany are a few octogenarians. An unprecedented literary impoverishment<br />

inside that country has been the result. On the other hand, many hundreds of German<br />

writers live in foreign countries, among them some of national and international<br />

reputation such as Heinrich Mann, Thomas Mann, Robert Musil, Franz Werfel,<br />

Arnold Zweig, Stefan Zweig, Emil Ludwig, Alfred Neumann, Lion Feuchtwanger,<br />

Leonhard Frank, Bruno Frank, Berthold Brecht, Alfred Polgar, Hermann Broch,<br />

Theodor Wolff, Alfred Kerr, Georg Kaiser, René Schickele, Annette Kolb, Ludwig<br />


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