09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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Von Katherine Webb (Hutchinson & Co.)<br />

London, 20.10.1944<br />

Ms. m. Kopf m. U. (Kopie), DÖW 11548/8<br />

Personal.<br />

Dear Robert Neumann,<br />

I have now had an opportunity of discussing your personal arrangement with Mr.<br />

Hutchinson and although he agrees to make the arrangement 15% of the profits<br />

of H.I.A.L. or £ 500 – I should say a minimum of £ 500 per annum – he is not in<br />

agreement to make the arrangement for as long as your contract lasts and suggests<br />

it should be from year to year.<br />

Furthermore, we did not discuss when the arrangement should commence but I<br />

presume you wanted the first year to be this year – 1944. However, Mr. Hutchinson<br />

suggests we make it for one year commencing June, 1944 to June, 1945 and for that<br />

twelve months we pay you 15% of the profits or £ 500 minimum. You see if we took<br />

it for the whole of 1944 the profits would not be very considerable as we shall only<br />

be publishing about four books as far as I can see.<br />

After June, 1945 we shall all see how H.I.A.L. is progressing and we then reconsider<br />

the matter.<br />

I hope the above will meet with your approval. It is the best I could do.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

HUTCHINSON & CO (Publishers) Ltd.<br />

K. H. Webb<br />

Die Entscheidungen im Verlag „H.I.A.L“ (Hutchinson International Authors Limited)<br />

traf die literarisch wenig versierte Direktorin Webb; die faktische Rolle von RN ist die<br />

eines literarischen Konsulenten und freien Lektoratsmitarbeiters (bei Übersetzungen<br />

deutschsprachiger Autoren). – In den Jahren bis zur Auflösung des Vertrags von RN<br />

(1949) sind bei HIAL Werke von RN selbst, ferner von Arnold Zweig, Heinrich Mann,<br />

Alfred Neumann, Lion Feuchtwanger, F. C. Weiskopf, Franz Werfel, Emil Ludwig und<br />

Ferencz Körmendi erschienen. Gescheitert ist RN u. a. mit der Bemühung, Hermann<br />

Brochs „Schlafwandler“ durchzusetzen.<br />


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