09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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the commissioned scripts. To be quite honest, I do not think that such suggestions<br />

should be made half a year after the event. I shall, therefore, be much obliged to you<br />

if you will let me have full payment for the two Brains Trust items.<br />

At the same time, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that No 11 of<br />

„An Austrian to Austrians“, an item discussed and commissioned but not produced<br />

for policy reasons, has so far not been paid for.<br />

I am sorry I have to bother you with such a long letter. I thought I had better<br />

set out things in detail so as to settle this unhappy incident once and for all. I am<br />

sure things will go more smoothly next time. […]<br />


Hurra! Ihre Datei wurde hochgeladen und ist bereit für die Veröffentlichung.

Erfolgreich gespeichert!

Leider ist etwas schief gelaufen!