09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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Member of Parliament, Mr. Hermon Ould is the Secretary General of the International<br />

Organisation of the P.E.N. Club, Mr. William Rose is the Reader of German<br />

Literature at the London School of Economics, and Mr. Jeffery Marston is an Army<br />

Major (retd.).<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

(Signed) Neumann,<br />

P.S. My son has been educated at Vienna, Nice, and the Friends’ School, Great<br />

Ayton, Yorks. He got his Matriculation Certificate in seven subjects, among them<br />

five languages, with distinction. He is now private secretary to the director of the<br />

Eastern Department of the Exchange Telegraph Agency.<br />

I was educated at the Maximilian- Gymnasium of Vienna, and at Vienna University<br />

(Medicine, Chemistry, Belles Lettres).<br />

Der Brief ist eine Beilage zum Einbürgerungs-Ansuchen, das der prominente Anwalt<br />

Borm-Reid beim Home Office am 20.3.1939 einreicht (DÖW 11518/3). Borm-Reid argumentiert:<br />

„Mr. Neumann would be very grateful if this application could go through<br />

with as little delay as possible as he is anxious to offer his services to the State on<br />

a voluntary basis and feels that he could be useful, through his International relationships,<br />

on propaganda.“ – RN wurde schließlich erst Anfang 1947 eingebürgert.<br />

Borm-Reid hatte – durch seine Gattin – RN am 2.12.1936 (ÖNB) Unterlagen über den<br />

angeblichen Sohn von Zaharoff angeboten und zukommen lassen.<br />


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