09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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An other German Jew who on the strength of his utter unscrupulousness and<br />

sacrifice of human dignity is becoming rather a winner than a victim of the Nazi rule.<br />

All these people are, each for his special purpose, on their journey to Palestine.<br />

Before reaching the frontier they meet with a situation which isolates them from<br />

the assets and amenities, real or imaginatory, of their life among the people of the<br />

earth, and makes them face death desert – at the same spot where some five thousand<br />

year previously some of their ancestors had equally to face death and desert<br />

on an other journey to Palestine. […]<br />

Georg(e) M. Höllering – Österreichischer Filmproduzent und Drehbuchautor, ab 1937<br />

Exil in Großbritannien. Siehe dazu auch: THE FACE OF THE DEVIL (1941)<br />

„Das Grosse Elend“ ist der Arbeitstitel von „An den Wassern von Babylon“, unter dem<br />

auch der Züricher Humanitas-Verlag Anfang 1938 in der Ausgabe von „Eine Frau hat<br />

geschrien“ den Roman angekündig hat.<br />


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