09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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Von Rolly Neumann<br />

(o. O.), 1.11.1948<br />

Ms. m. U., ÖNB<br />

Sch- the truth of the matter is that there is nothing, das mich freut. It bores me to<br />

meet people, to go anywhere, to travel even. It doesn’t even interest me any more<br />

what happens to my manuscripts. I tried to find some new interest in Helga – and<br />

that disappointment was and is a real blow. Otherwise I am glad to find enough<br />

work in the house to keep me too busy too think much. And I feel like somebody<br />

who is under life imprisonment – a real one, not 15 or 20 years. The only way out<br />

is death. Not to be wished for fervently either but just waiting for it, hopefully<br />

somehow. You see I don’t believe that death is a pure accident, it comes to people<br />

when they have nothing left to live for – as it came to Lawrence (the Arabian one).<br />

I say that without all pathos. I have nothing left to live for. It just doesn’t interest me<br />

any more. I have been wanting to talk to you seriously for some time about such<br />

practical things as the car and the house. They really ought to belong to you, and I<br />

think once that S. business [sic] is settled we ought to arrange something about it<br />

all. You see – nobody can go on living with a „dead inside“ for very long. I am not<br />

sentimental about it, please do understand that, and don’t be sentimental either. It<br />

is a fact. An illness like other illnesses.<br />

This „confession“ won’t help you very much. I know and I don’t know what to<br />

do about it. Do you want me to go away? It is asking a bit much that you should live<br />

with a woman who is really not alive any longer. You used the conventional expression<br />

„let’s be friends“ last night. But then, why should you have the burden of my<br />

presence? We can be friends and not live together and give you the chance to have<br />

something better! Let’s try to talk about it calmly some time. And do try and think<br />

about it calmly first, without any feelings mixed into it. As far as I am still there I<br />

love you – but that is just not enough, and I have been feeling guilty about it for a<br />

long time. But then again, is one responsible for having cancer?<br />

My poor Sch- what shall I do?<br />

R<br />

Der konkrete Auslöser dieser depressiven Krise ist aus den schriftlichen Zeugnissen<br />

nicht ablesbar.<br />


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