09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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and even at places where you are not deeply moved you are greatly impressed by<br />

the vastness of its lay-out, by its good order, by its sincerity. There is in my mind no<br />

doubt that this is a work that will last for some considerable length of time.<br />

As to this man’s megalomania, I called it straightforward. Now, I am not going<br />

to indulge overmuch in tempting quotations. He possesses, so he says, particular<br />

qualifications to take a hand in free lance diplomacy because almost all statesmen in<br />

Europe knew of course „Men of Good Will“; and speaking of a particular man – no. I<br />

must read this one: „He was one of the members of a kind of order of chivalry which<br />

was recruited little by little in Europe. The name Men of Good Will they sometimes<br />

used for themselves. They were in sympathy though far apart. Occasionally they met<br />

and lent one another a hand“. This particular man of the Secret Order being Henri de<br />

Man, who later established a Belgian government under German rule. He has come<br />

to see Romains to confide to him – I quote – „a vast plan the existence of which only<br />

three men in the whole world knew at the time. He stopped short, looked me over<br />

from head to foot, and exclaimed with a strange laugh: You know, Jules Romains,<br />

your position is absolutely unique in Europe and even in the world!“ – One day he<br />

invites Prime Minister Daladier with some people to his place – I quote – „to give<br />

him the feeling that the finest elements of the intellectual elite of France are with<br />

him“. Oh yes, just one more instance. About postcards. He likes writing postcards.<br />

The business in hand is the crushing of a strike. Romains walks into a tobacco shop,<br />

buys a carte pneumatique, on one side he writes M. Edouard Daladier, and on the<br />

other – listen: „My dear Premier, your energy is admirable. All the measures you<br />

have taken are excellent. Now hang on and don’t give in on a single point. I think<br />

the blackest moment will come at 11 o’clock tomorrow morning. I wish to be with<br />

you at that time – so that you will feel you are not alone. At 11 I shall knock at the<br />

door of your office!“<br />

So much about megalomania. Now, why am I talking about this in detail? Only<br />

because this man’s case lends itself, by its plainness, so particularly well to analysis?<br />

Again it would be insincere to pretend this. I am doing it because this is just<br />

the point where this man’s megalomania is linked to this man’s politics, and I am<br />

going to say that this man’s politics are our concern. If Hamsun sides with Hitler,<br />

you will deplore it, but there is just a chance that you might think it to be a very<br />

old man’s own business. If Maurois, a busy admirer of this country for many years,<br />

thinks fit now to put his money on the old horse of Vichy, we might like to make<br />

a mental note of it for a later date that will come, but it is his own business. But<br />

Romains, Ladies and Gentlemen, is the International President of the P.E.N., chosen<br />

to be the Speaker of World Literature, my voice, your voice. Are we or are we<br />

not entitled to watch out with whom our Speaker is siding? Once more, therefore:<br />

where does he stand? You heard of that friend of his, de Man. You heard of his<br />

postcard to Daladier. Do you want to hear his opinion on some other Frenchman?<br />

Listen. „He has been most unfairly criticized; I can bestow nothing but praise on<br />

him. On whom? On M. Georges Bonnet! Listen to this passage out of a dialogue:<br />

„I have a feeling he, too, has remained a Man of Good Will and can be trusted.“<br />

Who? Otto Abetz. Listen: „Needless to say the game Russia was playing seemed<br />

to us most ambiguous, and part of our work lay in keeping the government from<br />


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