09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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An Margaret Storm Jameson<br />

Green Easter, 11.10.1938<br />

Ms. o. U., ÖNB<br />

Thank you so very much, dear Margaret Storm Jameson, but although I am not quite<br />

well off I do not feel I am entitled to use my English colleagues’ money.<br />

There is one thing, though, which troubles me rather a lot these days and wherein<br />

one of the P.E.N. people might be able to help me. I had to leave behind in Vienna<br />

my 76 years old mother and my sister, who with her three months old child has been<br />

turned out by her Nazi husband. They are almost destitute and have been thrown<br />

out of their flat twice in the last four months. I just got a message that they have to<br />

leave the country at once, the expulsion order and threat of arrest being based, as<br />

it appears, on their still having been in secret contact with me. I saw the Quakers<br />

about it yesterday and they feel that this case is among the worst they saw. They<br />

want to arrange for the women’s coming to this country. But there is one essential<br />

thing they cannot arrange for. In order to get the English visa an English person of<br />

a somewhat settled situation (having funds or money or something) has to give to<br />

the Home Office a declaration g[u]arantying that the emigrant will not become a<br />

burden to public relief institutions. My sister (who is a rather well-known organist,<br />

having given many concerts in churches and in the radio) might find a job in<br />

a private household so that for her no g[u]aranty towards the Home Office will be<br />

needed. But my mother is of course beyond any chance of getting some work and<br />

for her I need that fabulous well-to-do Englishman. (I offered my own g[u]aranty of<br />

course but they did not consider me, it appears, enough English or enough well-todo.)<br />

Could you raise the matter at a committee meeting of the P.E.N. or anywhere<br />

you see a chance to find a kindhearted creature for this purpose? If you do not – just<br />

forget about it. I only thought it to be somehow my duty to mention it. There is only<br />

one thing. If it can be done – it should be done quickly as the expulsion order works<br />

at once and the three are threatened with either internment or being put over the<br />

frontier without travel papers. […]<br />

Margaret Storm Jameson (1891–1986) – Die englische Erzählerin und Essayistin,<br />

Präsidentin des English PEN (1938–1944) und durch Jahrzehnte Vizepräsidentin des<br />

International PEN, hatte in einem Brief (vom 10.10.1938) RN Hilfe aus dem eben (mit<br />

1000 Pfund „Startkapital“) gegründeten Refugee Writers Fund angeboten. Ihre solidarische<br />

Hilfsbereitschaft für RN hat sich in den schwierigen Jahren 1938 bis 1940<br />

mehrmals bewährt.<br />

RN konnte seine Mutter und seine jüngere Schwester Gertrud (Cornelius) im Sommer<br />

1939 nach England holen.<br />


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