09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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An Rolly Becker-Neumann [sic]<br />

London, 4.9.1940<br />

Ms. m. U., DÖW 22.226<br />

My dear Rolly,<br />

I hope you got yesterday’s wire, and meanwhile wired me your Home Office reference<br />

number. I need it most urgently as the Home Office are considering your case<br />

but cannot find your files.<br />

I am shocked beyond description by your foolishness in concealing things so<br />

long. I hunted down the Harley Street specialist, who saw you on that occasion,<br />

and fortunately enough he remembered you and your case very well, looked up his<br />

records, and gave me an extract of his notes. Perhaps it was my fault in not insisting<br />

more energetically at that time to know the complete diagnosis. Why didn’t you tell<br />

me? To save the money, or because you were afraid of the operation, or what? It<br />

was the most foolish thing to do. Do you know that one easily gets peritonitis that<br />

way? Dr. Jones was shocked to hear that you avoided both the operation and the<br />

conservative treatment, and he does not doubt for a moment that your pains, the<br />

irregularity, and particularly that „explosion“ and loss of blood or secrete is solely<br />

due to the old complaint which cannot have got better and may very well have got<br />

worse. He insists on your seeing your medical officer now, and showing him the<br />

note a copy of which I enclose. (I sent you the original by registered mail last night.)<br />

Fancy a woman fainting with pain and not telling anyone. It is just your stubborn<br />

little head to conceal things from people over there, solely because you want to be<br />

released on political grounds and not on medical ones. Be sure that your name will<br />

be cleared all right, just as mine has been (the enclosed testimonial will interest you).<br />

Many influential people and all our British friends are vouching for you, but this is<br />

bound to take its time and can be completed later. The only important thing now is<br />

to get you out, and here, and into a nursing home. Go and see your Commandant<br />

about it now. She is said to be a particularly humane and sympathetic lady, but I<br />

in her place should most certainly put you in a dark cell for twenty-four hours to<br />

begin with, as a punishment for your foolishness. (If she applied for your release<br />

on her own initiative it would of course be a very great help.) Anyway, please wire<br />

me at once what the Medical Officer says. If he thinks it very urgent please ask him<br />

if he advises me to go to the Home Office and have you released by wire. I wouldn’t<br />

dream of exposing you to the vicissitudes of a U.S.A. journey in these days before<br />

you are either operated on or really cured in some other way.<br />

My dear love, I am very angry, and very worried, I shall not sleep until I have<br />

your wire. By the way, don’t worry about me. I am not feeling particularly well, of<br />

course, but I’ll manage all right if I only get my peace of mind back.<br />

All my love,<br />

Robert<br />


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