09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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sober, democratic nation. It is stubborn, sober all-out war they are waging at our<br />

side, for democracy.<br />

Take the Norwegians! Theirs is a Vikings’ tale. A socialist country, yet staunchly<br />

monarchist. The King, taking the leaders, of his „Reds“, his „Marxists“ along with<br />

him in his own destroyerto liberty. Those thousands following in commandeered<br />

coastal craft, in schooners, in rowing boats; not to escape but to return! It is the<br />

nation of the commando raids. To-morrow it will perhaps be the nation of the<br />

Second Front.<br />

And take the Poles! Theirs is an exceptional case, not for the grimness of their<br />

tragedy, but because they formed their own film unit, and succeeded in producing<br />

lately a film that is by far the best of the lot. There is a fighter squadron’s control<br />

room, and a message: „One aircraft missing“: Then there is a pilot handing to the<br />

intelligence officer the lost man’s property: a wrist watch, a handkerchief, a girl’s<br />

photograph, a plain exercise book used for a diary. This he reads aloud. It is the<br />

killed Polish flyer’s diary, from shattered Warsaw into exile and to the Polish squadron<br />

fighting the enemy day and night. All this is very frightful (with a few genuine<br />

Polish terror shots), and yet very simple, moving and melancholic. It is a very short<br />

film … a too short film. This is, I think, a rare compliment.<br />

Some of the most inviting motives are still missing in this Allied symphony.<br />

There is no film of the Greeks; none of the Yugoslavs. The Russians do, of course,<br />

their excellent stuff in Russia, and need not rely on British film production. As to<br />

the Chinese, I do not know.<br />

But there is one gap more, to be filled: These anti-Nazis and anti-Fascists who<br />

come from Austria and Germany, and are most actively and successfully helping<br />

in the great effort to liberate their homelands from the common foe, are not yet<br />

represented in the list of the allied films. But perhaps they will, before long.<br />

What does it all mean, and prove? There was a time, from June 40 to June 41,<br />

the war looked like a British-German war. There is no better means than this bunch<br />

of short, cheap allied films to prove that this war is something vastly different: the<br />

great war of liberation, of all free men, against all powers of darkness.<br />

Der von RN gelobte polnische Kurzfilm ist: „Diary of a Polish Airman“ (7 Minuten, März<br />

1942) von Eugeniusz Cekalski.<br />

Zu Neumanns Plädoyer für (kostengünstige) konsequent antifaschistische Kurzfilme<br />

und für die Heranziehung österreichischer und deutscher Stimmen zu dieser „Symphonie<br />

der Alliierten“ siehe auch den Brief an Arthur Calder Marshall/Film Division<br />

des Ministry of Information vom 11.4.1942 in diesem Band.<br />

Wie aus den Archiv-Akten ersichtlich, ist das Manuskript durch die BBC (nach dem<br />

Ankauf vom 1.6.1942) „for broadcasting abroad“ ins Tschechische, Polnische „and possibly<br />

other languages“ durch den „London Transcription Service“ übersetzt worden.<br />


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