09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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An William Rose<br />

Long Crendon/Bucks, 3.12.1939<br />

Ms. m. U., IGRS London, WRO 5/Neu<br />

My dear Rose,<br />

here I am again asking you for a favour. I need your advice. Please read the enclosed<br />

opening of a new novel. It is my first attempt to write in English. Shall I go on with<br />

it, or shall I go on writing in German? In other words, shall I go on talking to the<br />

Anglo-Saxons, who are my chief public now, through the medium of a translator<br />

(which even in its very best variety is bound to be a blurring medium) or shall I<br />

make a supreme effort to build up my own style in a foreign language? For this is the<br />

salient point. Please ignore minor mistakes which can be corrected. But am I on the<br />

way of building up a style of my own, or is it just tripe, and un-understandable, and<br />

flat, and without background and atmosphere? Do tell me frankly. And please don’t<br />

allow yourself to be misled by the subject matter which is at first sight off my usual<br />

shooting-grounds. I am not emulating the funny Priestley but trying to grope my<br />

way somewhere between fun and death. It will, perhaps, be called THE HUMBLE<br />

LIFE OF MR TIBBS. And if my effort does not live up to the requirements of twilight<br />

and atmosphere, I had better give it up. So what?<br />

Please forgive my bothering you. You are one of three people I am relying on in<br />

this question which is to me of rather great importance. […]<br />

„The Humble Life of Mr. Tibbs“ ist der Arbeitstitel des ersten Romans von Neumann<br />

in englischer Sprache: „Scene in Passing“ (Dent, London 1942); die US-Ausgabe trug<br />

den Titel: „Mr. Tibbs Passes Through“ (Dutton/New York 1943). – Der handschriftliche<br />

Autograph datiert den Beginn der Niederschrift: „Nov 13 th , 1939, Long Crendon“ (ÖNB<br />

20.856, S.131).<br />

An Heinrich Neumann<br />

Long Crendon/Bucks, 4.12.1939<br />

Ms. m. U., ÖNB<br />

Lieber Heinrich,<br />

Deine Grossmutter ist gestern gestorben. Wir fahren am Mittwoch Vormittag zum<br />

Begräbnis nach Ramsgate. Sollte es Dir ein Bedürfnis sein, auch hinzufahren, so<br />

triffst Du uns in dem von Victoria um 10.35 a.m. nach Ramsgate abgehenden Zug.<br />

Ich will Dir da weder zu- noch abraten. […]<br />

Dein<br />

Vater.<br />


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