09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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An Katherine H. Webb (Hutchinson)<br />

London, 20.4.1947<br />

Ms. o. U., ÖNB<br />

Dear Mrs. Webb,<br />

I am about to start on an extensive journey; so may be I had better put my house<br />

in order.<br />

As I think I mentioned to you before, the copyrights and subsidiary rights<br />

in my old books published before 1941 belong to my wife, Mrs. L. F. Neumann,<br />

under a Settlement dated 30 th May 1941. That applies, among the books re-issued<br />

by Hutchinson’s, to BY THE WATERS 0F BABYL0N as well as to A WOMAN<br />

SCREAMED for which you are preparing a contract. I think it will be more satisfactory<br />

for that contract to be made out for my wife directly, and for your accountants<br />

to let her have a separate account. Will you please advise them accordingly? […]<br />

Am 20.4.1947 richtet RN einen zweiten Brief an Webb (ÖNB): „it occurs to me that it<br />

has never been stated in our correspondence which part of my 15% commission of<br />

the profits of HUTCHINSON INTERNATIONAL AUTHORS is to be regarded as a cover<br />

for my Expenses and which part as Profit Pending more detailed accounts, which it<br />

might take me some time to produce, please regard the agreed minimum of 500<br />

pounds as Expenses and what there may be due to me over and above that figure as<br />

Profits.“ – Siehe dazu den Brief von Katherine Webb vom 20.10.1944.<br />

[Von Charlie Chaplin] [?]<br />

London, 22.5.1947<br />

Telegramm an RN (Orbey, France, Hotel Lac-Blanc), ÖNB<br />

Life begins at fifty<br />

Chaplin<br />

Das Telegramm ist mutmaßlich als freundliche Mystifikation zu bewerten.<br />


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