09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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allied and „enemy alien“, and – as a broadcaster – to „throw bridges“ over to Austria.<br />

He is, I suppose, like all other Austrian doctors, a member of the non-political<br />

Austrian Medical Association which is affiliated to the Free Austrian Movement.<br />

He is actively interested in the organisation of the refugee war effort.<br />

He is a widower. His daughter is in Vienna, married to a politically nondescript<br />

Austrian who has been called up at once, has seen service in Norway (where he was<br />

as a child when Norwegians saved Austrian children from starvation in 1919) and<br />

in Russia, and might be dead by now. For the sake of this daughter our speaker is<br />

using an assumed name.<br />

His son was in danger to be seduced by Hitler Youth heroics and romanticism,<br />

and this was an additional reason for our man to emigrate and get the boy to a sane<br />

atmosphere. He is now with the Pioneers, and ardently anti-Nazi – thus proving that<br />

perhaps a great part of Hitler’s youth can be saved once they get out of the madhouse.<br />

There is also the speaker’s nephew, an orphan he brought up in his house. He<br />

lost him; the young man joined the Nazis; he is now one of those Austrian S.S.<br />

committing atrocities in Serbia.<br />

Background of Speaker to Austria.<br />

I have given some more thought to this, and suggest that we should not make him<br />

a lawyer after all. A lawyer is, to the Austrian man of the street, a Jew twisting the<br />

truth and charging extortionate fees for it.<br />

Instead, I suggest we make him one of those panel doctors with a large clientele<br />

in a proletarian district. Some of them, though „bourgeois“ themselves,<br />

commanded great popularity and full confidence with literally thousands of their<br />

patients. (A notable example was Dr. W. Fischer of Vienna X., the brother of Ernst<br />

Fischer – Moscow.)<br />

I am working out the first script on the assumption that you accept this suggestion.<br />

If you don’t, it can be altered in a minute.<br />

R.N.<br />

Speaker to Austria – In einem Gespräch mit dem Leiter des Deutschen Diensts der<br />

BBC, Richard Crossman, im 2. Quartal 1942, erhält RN den Auftrag für das Konzept<br />

eines wöchentlichen Radiokommentars: „Ein Österreicher spricht zu Österreichern“.<br />

Vor der Ausstrahlung der ersten dieser 6-Minuten-Sendungen (am 1.8.1942) entwickelt<br />

RN in einem Diskussionsprozess mit BBC-Redakteuren den imaginären Charakter<br />

des Österreich-Sprechers. (Vgl. J. A. Arengo-Jones, BBC Internal Circulating Memo,<br />

22.8.1942, BBC WAC, Copyright Neumann Robert)<br />

Schuschnigg plebiscite – Die Volksbefragung für ein unabhängiges Österreich am<br />

13. März 1938 kam nach dem Einmarsch der Truppen Nazi-Deutschlands nicht mehr<br />

zustande. Der austrofaschistische Kanzler Schuschnigg hatte den Termin erst am<br />

9. März 1938 angekündigt – mehrere Wochen nach der Zusicherung der Zustimmung<br />

der seit 1934 illegalisierten Gewerkschaften.<br />


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