09.01.2014 Aufrufe

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen

StudienVerlag - Oapen


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An William Rose<br />

Long Crendon/Bucks, 19.9.1939<br />

Ms. m. U., IGRS London, WRO 5/Neu<br />

Dear Rose,<br />

is there not an unlucky star looking down on this business? The manuscript has<br />

been delivered and accepted but I understand that it is not at all certain whether<br />

and when and under what signet it will be published. I for one think it will not be<br />

published at all before the end of this war.<br />

I do hope you and your family are well and not particularly hit by the events.<br />

As for myself, I am not allowed to move beyond five miles or use my car, and Stefan<br />

Zweig is in the same boat. Being „enemy aliens“ we are not allowed to help in<br />

the emergency, and the only thing left to us is digging in the garden to grow some<br />

cabbage! […]<br />

Offenkundig hat RN zuvor mehrmals über „the manuscript“ mit Rose gesprochen:<br />

Zumindest die deutsche Originalfassung von „An den Wassern von Babylon“ ist in<br />

der Tat erstmals 1945 (in Oxford) erschienen.<br />

Von Herbert G. Wells<br />

London, 6.10.1939<br />

Ms. m. U., ÖNB<br />

My dear Neumann,<br />

Will this do?<br />

By the Waters of Babylon combines the sweeping imaginative quality of Eugene<br />

Sue’s Wandering Jew with the structural invention of The Bridge of San Luis Rey. It<br />

is a vivid contribution to the perennial problem of the Jewish mentality.<br />

Yours sincerely,<br />

H. G. Wells<br />

RN hatte Wells um einen Werbetext für seinen Roman gebeten. – Der vergleichende<br />

Hinweis auf den Roman von Thornton Wilder: „The Bridge of San Luis Rey“ (1927,<br />

ausgezeichnet mit dem Pulitzer-Preis) hat eilige Klappentext-Rezensenten zu Fehlurteilen<br />

verführt.<br />


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