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The Fourth Lesson: The Vedanta System.1183<br />

To begin with, the Vedanta postulates the existence of that, or Brahman,<br />

as the Only Reality and Only Existence. It accepts the Inner Teachings (see<br />

the second lesson) regarding the report of the intellect regarding that,<br />

and embodies these Inner Teachings in its fundamental axioms. This One<br />

Reality, or Brahman, is held to be “One and Universal”; “Infinite and Eternal”;<br />

“Indivisible” and incapable of separation.<br />

This being so, the theories of “manifestation” must be abandoned, and the<br />

term “reflection” or “appearance” substituted, for if the One is indivisible,<br />

and incapable of separation—and as there is nothing else but the One to<br />

manifest—then it follows that all manifestation must be illusory, and nothing<br />

but a reflection or an appearance. In other words, all outside and apart from<br />

the One must be merely “Ideals” of the One, or else nothing at all. An “Idea,”<br />

you know, is “the image of an object formed in the mind”; and “Ideal” means<br />

“existing in idea or thought.” So, with this bold conception, the Vedantists<br />

brushed away all the previous conceptions and theories, including that<br />

of Kapila with his individual Purushas, or spirits, and his Prakriti, or Nature,<br />

holding that even these “aspects” or “principles” must be merely ideals and<br />

existing merely “in the mind of the One.” But at the same time it accepted all<br />

of the existing conceptions and theories of the other schools, provisionally,<br />

and allowed the converts to retain them, holding that these conceptions<br />

were useful in helping the undeveloped minds to think of the One the best<br />

they knew how, and leading up to a point when they could conceive of the<br />

One divested from these misconceptions of Maya occasioned by Avidya,<br />

or Ignorance. And so, in the end, we see that the efforts of the Vedanta<br />

teachers must be directed toward explaining the nature and characteristics<br />

of this baleful Maya, which so distorts the Truth that it is not recognized—<br />

that causes the “piece of rope on the ground to be mistaken for the snake,”<br />

arousing all the terrors and horror that the real snake would have caused.<br />

For in the understanding of Maya, and the escape from its entanglements,<br />

lies the Road to Freedom and Emancipation of the Spirit whose eyes are<br />

blinded with the smoked-glasses of Maya.

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