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Chapter XIII: The Ashes of the System.1835<br />

out, the balance remaining to clog up the colon. Next day a little more is<br />

added, and so on, until a case of chronic constipation is manifested, with<br />

all its attendant evils, such as dyspepsia, biliousness, liver troubles, kidney<br />

troubles—in fact, all diseases are encouraged, and many of them directly<br />

caused by this filthy condition of the colon. Half of the cases of female<br />

trouble are caused or aggravated by this condition.<br />

The absorption by the blood of the faecal matter in the system, is<br />

occasioned in two ways, first, the desire and need of the body for fluids;<br />

second, a desperate effort of nature to throw off the waste matter by the<br />

skin, the kidneys and the lungs. Foul perspiration and foul breath are often<br />

caused by this effort of nature to get rid of what should have passed from<br />

the colon. Nature recognizes the great source of danger of allowing this foul<br />

mass to stay in the system, and so resorts to the desperate plan of throwing<br />

it off in other ways, even at the risk of half-poisoning the blood and body<br />

in so doing. The best proof of the number of physical ailments and disease<br />

caused by this unnatural state of the colon, is the fact that when the cause<br />

is once removed people begin to recover from many ailments apparently<br />

unconnected with the cause. In addition to the fact that diseases are caused<br />

and encouraged by this state of the colon, it is a fact that one is far more<br />

likely to contract contagious diseases, and diseases like typhoid fever, etc.,<br />

by reason of a neglected colon furnishing a fine breeding place for the<br />

germs of these diseases. In fact a man who keeps his colon clean and healthy,<br />

is believed to run but very little risk of diseases of this kind. Just imagine<br />

what must be the result when we carry a sewer around inside of us—is it<br />

any wonder that diseases which are occasioned by filthy conditions outside<br />

thrive on like condition inside of the body? Use a little reason, friends.<br />

Now that we have said enough to call your attention to the seat of many<br />

troubles (we could fill hundreds of pages with still stronger remarks on<br />

this subject) you are perhaps in a condition to ask: “Well, I believe that all<br />

this is true, and that it explains much that has been troubling me, but what<br />

must I do to get rid of that foul condition, and to regain and keep normal

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