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I, 19 B - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek

I, 19 B - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek

I, 19 B - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek


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778 schriftenverzeichnis<br />

explaining all the difficult Places thereof.<br />

London 1653 [u. ö.]; [auch als:] The workes.<br />

Bd 3. London 1671; The seventh ed. corrected<br />

and enlarged Ebd. 1702; [lat. Übers.<br />

v. J. LeClerc u. d. Tit.:] Novum Testamentum<br />

. . . ex versione vulgata cum paraphrasi<br />

et annotationibus H. Hammondi ex anglica<br />

lingua in latinum transtulit J. Clericus.<br />

Amstelodami 1698–99: S. 266.<br />

186. Hanke, M., Vratislavienses eruditionis propagatores:<br />

id est Vratislaviensium scholarum<br />

praesides, inspectores, rectores, professores,<br />

praeceptores; tabulis chronologicis comprehensi;<br />

ab a. Christi 1525 ad 1700 . Lipsiae<br />

1700: S. 99.<br />

187. Hardt, H. v. d. — 1. [Hrsg.] Magnum<br />

oecumenicum Constantiense concilium de<br />

universali ecclesiae reformatione, unione<br />

et fide. T. 1–6. Francofurti et Lipsiae 1697<br />

(1696)–1700. [T. 7] Index generalis. Ebd.<br />

1742: S. 60. 64. <strong>19</strong>0. 453. 485. 600. 631. —<br />

2. Prodromus Concilii Basileensis, Cujus<br />

Acta et negotia publica . . . Voluminibus VIII.<br />

recensebit. Helmstadii 1718: S. 701.<br />

188. Harrington, J., The Common-Wealth of<br />

Oceana. London 1656 [u. ö.]; [auch in:] The<br />

Oceana . . . and . . . other Works: Somwherof<br />

are now first publish’d from his own Manuscripts.<br />

The whole collected, methodiz’d,<br />

and review’d, With an exact Account of his<br />

Life prefix’d by J. Toland. London 1700:<br />

S. 269–271.<br />

189. Harris, J., The atheistical objections against<br />

the being of a God and his attributes fairly<br />

considered and fully refuted: in eight sermons,<br />

preach’d in the Cathedral-church of St. Paul,<br />

London, 1698: being the seventh year of the<br />

lecture founded by . . . R. Boyle. London 1698:<br />

S. 283.<br />

<strong>19</strong>0. Hartmann, Ph. J. — 1. Succini Prussici<br />

physica et civilis Historia. Regiomonti; Francofurti<br />

1677: S. 535. — 2. Succincta Succini<br />

Prussici Historia et Demonstratio. Berolini<br />

1699: S. 535.<br />

<strong>19</strong>1. Heidegger, G., Mythoscopia Romantica<br />

oder Discours von den so benanten Romans.<br />

Zürich 1698: S. 54.<br />

<strong>19</strong>2. Helmont, F.-M. van, Quaedam praemeditatae<br />

et consideratae cogitationes super quatuor<br />

priora Capita libri primi Moysis, Genesis nominati.<br />

Amstelodami 1697∗ : S. 476.<br />

<strong>19</strong>3. Hermelin, O., [anon.] Veritas a calumniis<br />

vindicata, seu ex parte . . . majestatis Sueciae<br />

. . . responsum, quo . . . artes et calumniae<br />

regis Poloniae . . . manifestantur. o. O. 1700;<br />

[dt. Übers.] o. O. 1701: S. 643.<br />

<strong>19</strong>4. Herodotos, : S. 684.<br />

<strong>19</strong>5. Hieronymus, Sophronius Eusebius — 1. De<br />

duodecim scriptoribus [Ms; Wolfenbüttel<br />

Herzog August Bibl. 7. 2 Ms. Aug. 4o ]:<br />

S. 15. — 2. De viris illustribus [Ms; Wolfenbüttel<br />

Herzog August Bibl. 83. 8 Ms.<br />

Aug. 2o ]: S. 15.<br />

<strong>19</strong>6. Hildesheim, F. — 1. Vitae . . . Joachimi<br />

II. Electoris et Joannis Marchionis Brandeb.:<br />

Item duorum Marchisa Cancellariorum<br />

L. Distelmeieri et H. Atbini. Francf. March.<br />

1592: S. 84. — 2. Inscriptiones sepulcrales:<br />

Quae vulgo sunt Epitaphia. Electorum<br />

et Marchionum quorundam Brandeburgg.<br />

Berlini 1608: S. 84.<br />

<strong>19</strong>7. Hiltebrand, A., Genealogia Illustrissimorum<br />

Pomeraniae Ducum . . . ex Annalibus<br />

Pomeranicis, Marchicis, Polonicis et Prutenicis<br />

. . . collecta. Sedini 1622: S. 87.<br />

<strong>19</strong>8. H i s t o i r e de l’Académie Royale des<br />

Sciences: Année 1699–[année 1790]: avec les<br />

Mémoires de Mathématique et de Physique<br />

pour la même année. Paris 1702–1797. —<br />

Année 1699: S. 472. — Année 1701: S. 293.<br />

<strong>19</strong>9. H i s t o r i a Cultus Sinensium, seu Varia<br />

Scripta de Cultibus Sinarum, inter Vicarios<br />

Apostolicos Gallos aliosque Missionarios, et<br />

Patres Societatis Jesu controversis. [Hrsg. v.<br />

G. J. Fatinelli]. Coloniae 1700 [Marg.]. [Darin]<br />

(S. 322–338) Ch. Maigrot, Declaratio seu<br />

Mandatum: S. 420.<br />

200. H i s t o r i a de landgraviis Thuringiae [d. i.:<br />

Eccardiana] [Ms; Hannover Niedersächs.<br />

24. 10. 2005

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