04.05.2013 Aufrufe

I, 19 B - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek

I, 19 B - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek

I, 19 B - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek


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784 schriftenverzeichnis<br />

258. Leslie, Ch. — 1. The Snake in the grass;<br />

or, Satan transform’d into an angel of light.<br />

Discovering the subtilty which is couched<br />

under the pretended simplicity of many of<br />

the principal leaders of those people call’d<br />

Quakers. London 1696 [u. ö.]: S. 282. 289.<br />

— 2. [anon.] Primitive heresie revived, in<br />

the faith and practice of the people called<br />

Quakers. London 1698: S. 283. — 3. [anon.]<br />

The Case of the Regale and of the Pontificat<br />

stated, In the relation of a conference<br />

concerning the Independency of the Church.<br />

[Oxford ?] 1700; sec. ed. with additions London<br />

1702 [u. ö.]: S. 283. 289. — 4. An essay<br />

concerning the divine right of tythes. London<br />

1700: S. 283.<br />

259. L e t t r e d’un solitaire à son amy, sur le sujet<br />

de la promotion du cardinal de Bouillon au<br />

décanat. Cologne 1700: S. 4.<br />

260. L e t t r e ecrite d’Anvers le 9. Decembre<br />

par M. P ∗∗ à M. N ∗∗ en Hollande, au sujet<br />

du Testament de Charles II. Roi d’Espagne.<br />

o. O. [1700/01]; [erneut gedr. in:] SV. N. 254,<br />

7: S. 383.<br />

261. L e t t r e s edifiantes et curieuses, ecrites des<br />

Missions Etrangeres, par quelques Missionnaires<br />

de la Compagnie de Jesus. Hrsg. v.<br />

Ch. Le Gobien [u. a.]. Paris 1702–1776. —<br />

2. Recueil 1703: S. 422.<br />

262. L e t t r e s sur la vie et sur la mort de Louis<br />

de Wolzogue. Amsterdam, 1692: S. 364.<br />

263. Letzner, J., Braunschweigische, Lüneburgische<br />

und Göttingische Chronica [Ms; u. a.<br />

Hannover Niedersächs. Landesbibl. Ms<br />

XXIII, 226–228 c ]: S. 496.<br />

264. Leutinger, N., De Marchia Brandenburgensi<br />

ejusque statu commentarii. P. 1–12.<br />

Viteberga, Francofordiae March. 1587–1612:<br />

S. 51. 87. 540.<br />

265. Le Vassor, M., Histoire du règne de<br />

Loius XIII, roi de France et de Navarre. Bd 1<br />

bis 10. Amsterdam 1700–1711; [engl. Übers.<br />

u. d. Tit.:] The history of the reign of Lewis<br />

XIII King of France and Navarre . . .<br />

translated by Mr. Fontvive. Bd 1.2. London<br />

1700–1702: S. 287.<br />

266. Levera, Fr., Prodromus universae astronomiae<br />

restitutae de anno solaris, et siderei, ac<br />

dierum magnitudine in omni aevo, et de reliquis<br />

periodibus, motibus, et circulationibus<br />

solaribus. Romae 1663: S. 70.<br />

267. L’Hermite (Eremita), D., Aulicae vitae ac<br />

civilis libri IV . . . cum praefatione J. G. Graevii.<br />

Ultrajecti 1701: S. 57.<br />

– Lilius, A. s. Giglio, A.<br />

268. Lindenfelsz, Gibellinus (Pseud.), Epistola<br />

ad Amicum: exhibens Controversias circa<br />

Nonum Electoratum, et quatenus circa illius<br />

erectionem pluralitas votorum obtineat.<br />

Germanopoli [fingiert] 1700: S. 54.<br />

269. Lightfood, J. — 1. Opera omnia. [Hrsg.<br />

J. Texel]. Bd 1.2. Roterodami 1686; hac<br />

nova editione operibus ejusd. posthumis,<br />

nunquam hactenus editis, locupletata [Hrsg.<br />

J. Leusden]. Bd 1.2. Ultrajecti 1699: S. 284.<br />

— 2. Some genuine remains of the late . . .<br />

John Lightfoot, . . . consisting of three tracts<br />

. . . I. Rules for a Student of the Holy Scriptures.<br />

II. Meditations upon some Abstruser<br />

Points of Divinity. . . . III. An Exposition<br />

of two . . . Articles of the Apostles Creed.<br />

Together with a large preface concerning the<br />

author. London 1700: S. 284.<br />

270. Liht, T. H. von — 1. Panegyricus quo . . .<br />

Friderico I. Borussiae Regi . . . ipso Inaugurationis<br />

Regiae Die sumisse gratulata est . . .<br />

Academia Viadrina. Francofurti ad Viadrum<br />

[1701]: S. 605. — 2. Rector et Senatus Academiae<br />

Viadrinae, Diem XVIII. Januarii, Anni<br />

MDCCI Augusti . . . Friderici Regis In Borussia<br />

. . . Inauguratione Regia . . . Atque ut<br />

ad Audiendam Orationem Panegyricam . . .<br />

Gratulabuntur. Francofurti ad Viadrum 1701:<br />

S. 613. — 3. Friderico, regi in Borussia . . . in<br />

Marchiam reditum oratione gratulaturus est.<br />

Francof. ad V. [1701]: S. 613.<br />

271. Livius (T. Livius Patavinus), Ab urbe condita:<br />

S. <strong>19</strong>4. 464.<br />

272. Lloyd, W. — 1. A chronological account of<br />

the life of Pythagoras, and other famous men<br />

24. 10. 2005

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