Umberto Eco - Limitele interpretarii

Umberto Eco - Limitele interpretarii

Umberto Eco - Limitele interpretarii


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propriului interpret sd-l inzestreze af, o parte a semnificatului s5"u"


Totugi, la Peirce existd alte idei care par a mina lectura propusd

de Derrida. Intr-adevdr, dacd in termenii lui Rorty teoria semiozei

nelimitate poate pdrea un exemplu de textualism, adicd de idealism,

nu putem neglija nuantele realiste ale idealismului lui Peirce2.

In ciuda caracterului failibil, a sinechismului qi a impreciziei,

ideea de semnificat Ia Peirce este astfel conceputS incAt implicd unele

referiri Ia un scop (CP, 5.166). Ideea unui scop, natural5. pentru un

pragmatician, este, in schimb, mai curAnd stAnjenitoare pentru un

,,pragmatist" (in sensul lui Rorty). Poate cd ideea unui scop nu are

nimic de-a face cu un subiect transcedental, care are cu siguranli

legdturi cu ideea de interpretare conform unei frnalitdli extra-semiozice.

Cdnd Peirce propune faimoasa definilie a litiului sub forma

unui pachet de instrucliuni inlelese ca fdcAnd posibil5 nu numai

identifrcarea, ci qi producerea unui egantion de litiu, subliniazl cE:

,,The peculiarity of this definition is that it tells you what the word

lithium denotes by prescribing what you are to do in order to gain

a perceptive acquaintance with the object of the world" (CP, 2.330).

Orice act semiozic este determinat de un Obiect Dinamic - deoarece

este inc6 exterior cercului semiozei - care este ,,the Reality which

by some means contrives to determine the sign to its Representamen"

(cP, 4.536).

in cadrul discursului meu putem vorbi despre Obiecte Dinamice

chiar in legdturi cu textele, dat fiind c5 Obiectul Dinamic poate fi

nu numai un element de decor al lumii frzice, ci pi un gAnd, o emo-

!ie, un gest, un sentiment, o credin!5. intr-o primi instanld, ar pSrea

logic sd suslinem c5, in interpretarea propozitiilor obiEnuite cum

este comanda ,,La picior arm'!", Obiectul care trebuie cdutat poate

fi ,,universul lucrurilor dorite de cdpitan in acel moment" (CP,5.178),

adicd intenlia subiectului emi![tor. Totugi, sunt de acord cu Derrida


,,Since no object in the universe can ever be fully determinate with respect to

its having or not having every known property, it follows that any proposition

about the universe is vague in the sense that it cannot hope to fully specify a

determinate set of properties" (Almeder, 1983, 331). ,,Vagueness hence represents

a sort ofrelationship between absolute, final determination, which in fact

it not attained (the condition ofan ideal, therefore) and actual determination of

meaning (again a sense, meaning, signification) in concrete semiosis" (Nadin,

1983, 163). :

,,The curreni attempts at a theory ofreality are to a great extent characterized

by the insight that the problem of reality is now fred from controversy between

idealism and realism which had long been unfruitful, and must be treated on

another level. The first and decisive step in the new direction was taken by

Peirce... This misleading phenomenon explains why, in his writings, he sometimes

calls his own position "idealistico and sometimes "realistic", without

essentially changing it" (Oehler, 1979,70).

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