JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah

JUDAICA - Wisdom In Torah


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arrios, daniel levi de<br />

become an NDP member of the federal Parliament from 1988<br />

to 1993, when he retired.<br />

[Harold Troper (2nd ed.)]<br />

BARRIOS, DANIEL LEVI (Miguel) DE (1635–1701), Spanish<br />

poet and playwright. Barrios was born in Montilla, of a<br />

Portuguese Marrano family, and was one of the most eminent<br />

exiles who contributed to Spanish literature. Following the<br />

execution in 1655 of a relative, Marco (Isaac) de Almeyda *Bernal,<br />

Barrios’ family left Spain, his parents settling in Algiers<br />

and he in Italy. After a sojourn at Nice and Leghorn (where<br />

he reverted to Judaism), he sailed with his first wife, Debora<br />

Váez, to Tobago, where she soon died. Barrios then moved<br />

to the Netherlands and in 1662 married Abigail de Pina in<br />

Amsterdam. At about the same time he took a commission<br />

as a captain in the Spanish Netherlands, and for the next 12<br />

years lived outwardly as a Christian in Brussels, while simultaneously<br />

maintaining a connection with the Jewish community<br />

in Amsterdam. <strong>In</strong> 1674, Barrios renounced his military<br />

commission and thereafter lived openly as a professing Jew<br />

in Amsterdam. A follower of Shabbetai Ẓevi, Barrios had<br />

mystical delusions and often fasted for long periods. This<br />

so alarmed his wife that she hurried to R. Jacob *Sasportas<br />

on the first day of Passover, 1675, and pleaded for his assistance.<br />

Sasportas found Barrios prepared for the Messiah’s<br />

advent before the New Year and convinced that the Christians,<br />

headed by the Dutch monarch, would convert to Judaism.<br />

As he dryly records in his Ẓiẓat Novel Ẓevi (1737), Sasportas<br />

found it necessary to remind the deluded poet of his immediate<br />

family obligations and of the perilous state of his<br />

health.<br />

Barrios’ work can be divided into two periods, before and<br />

after 1674. <strong>In</strong> Brussels, he emphasized classical and pagan allusions<br />

and in Amsterdam stressed his Jewishness, while retaining<br />

a great admiration for the Spanish poet Luis de Góngora.<br />

His first work, Flor de Apolo (Brussels, 1665), is a collection<br />

of poetry on varied themes; in the same volume he published<br />

three plays, Pedir favor al contrario, El canto junto al encanto<br />

and El Español de Orán, which were typical of the contemporary<br />

Spanish theater. An allegorical drama, Contra la verdad<br />

no hay fuerza (Amsterdam, undated, but before 1672), glorified<br />

the memory of three martyrs who died in an auto-da-fé in<br />

Cordoba in June while Coro de las Musas (Brussels and Amsterdam,<br />

1672) contains poetic eulogies of the Spanish provinces<br />

and of famous people and cities, preceded by a panegyric<br />

on Charles II of England.<br />

Barrios was one of the outstanding men of letters of<br />

17th century Spain, who, together with other New Christians,<br />

contributed a great deal to the Spain’s Golden Age. Like most<br />

Jews who left the Iberian Peninsula, as Jews in 1492 or as New<br />

Christians in subsequent years, Barrios retained the Spanish<br />

tongue as his language for every need and occasion. Whereas<br />

the Sephardi refugees developed Judezmo or Ladino, written<br />

in Hebrew script, the New Christians who returned to Judaism<br />

continued to use the Spanish and Portuguese languages as<br />

they were accustomed to in the Peninsula. Even though they<br />

returned to Judaism, many like Barrios continued to live in a<br />

culturally Spanish and Portuguese milieu, in Amsterdam or<br />

in Venice. Besides the cultural and linguistic legacy from the<br />

Peninsula, writers like Barrios brought with them into the<br />

Sephardi Diaspora certain concepts that can best described<br />

as Marranism. This consisted mainly of relying on the Old<br />

Testament part of the Bible as well as the apocryphal books,<br />

preserving certain very elementary dietary regulations, and<br />

celebrating in some way some Jewish festivals. Quite a number<br />

of Christian practices were adopted as a matter of course.<br />

To gain Jewish knowledge from books was difficult in Spain,<br />

but not impossible, thanks to the Spanish Hebraists. Poets<br />

of New Christian origin had different experiences once they<br />

returned to Judaism. Barrios had enough Jewish knowledge<br />

while a Crypto-Jew, but he found it rather difficult to adjust.<br />

He finally adopted messianic tendencies which might have<br />

been Christian-inspired. This affected the style and mood of<br />

his poetry.<br />

The works of Barrios’ Amsterdam period constitute five<br />

major collections. Sol de la vida (Antwerp, 1679) contains the<br />

Libre albedrío, a defense of the doctrine of free will. His Triumpho<br />

del govierno popular y de la antigüedad holandesa (Amsterdam,<br />

1683), of which at least seven versions exist, includes<br />

sections on the history of the Amsterdam Sephardi community<br />

and its organizations. Some copies contain two religious<br />

poems: La mayor perfección de Ley santisima and Triumpho<br />

canta la inmortalidad del Pueblo de Israel. The undated treatise,<br />

Relación de los poetas y escritores españoles de la Nación judaica<br />

amstelodama (republished by M. Kayserling in REJ, 18 (1889),<br />

276–89), is a rich, though sometimes highly romanticized,<br />

source of information on Sephardi literary figures. Alegrías<br />

o pinturas lucientes de himeneo (Amsterdam, 1686), a collection<br />

of wedding poems and panegyrics, commemorates some<br />

eminent Sephardi families. The most notable compositions in<br />

Estrella de Jacob sobre Flores de Lis (Amsterdam, 1686) are “La<br />

Memoria renueva el dolor,” on the death of the poet’s wife, and<br />

two religious compositions, “Providencia de Dios sobre Israel”<br />

and “Diás penitenciales.” Metros nobles (Amsterdam, 1675?)<br />

contains the religious poems also found in the (presumably<br />

earlier) Triumpho del govierno popular. Outstanding among<br />

Barrios’ many other writings is his Imperio de Dios en la harmonía<br />

del mundo (Brussels, 1673?), the first part of a grandiose<br />

work intended as a poetic version of the Pentateuch. Barrios’<br />

literary output is uneven in quality, since he wrote to gain patronage<br />

to provide for himself and his family. As the poet laureate<br />

of Amsterdam Jewry he was a facile versifier, but some<br />

of his religious poems, thanks to their sincerity of feeling and<br />

elegance of expression, deserve wider recognition. Their general<br />

themes are the permanence and excellence of the Jewish<br />

faith, belief in free will, the author’s repentance for the sin of<br />

posing as a Christian, and the harmony of Creation. Barrios<br />

glorified Sephardi culture (and its prime center, the Jewish<br />

community of Amsterdam), and perpetuated the memory<br />

of notable victims of the <strong>In</strong>quisition. There is some evidence<br />

176 ENCYCLOPAEDIA <strong>JUDAICA</strong>, Second Edition, Volume 3

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